High-speed pursuit runs through Santa Clarita

Signal File Photo.

A high-speed pursuit, which began in Hollywood Christmas Day, ran through Santa Clarita, with speeds reportedly surpassing 110 mph, according to officials.

“It was first initiated by (the Los Angeles Police Department), then we took over when it came into our area,” said Officer Josh Greengard of the California Highway Patrol Newhall-area Office. “It went up the (Interstate 5), up to the Gorman area, went off-roading for a bit and then, we eventually apprehended a suspect.”

Greengard said LAPD began the chase when they saw a white Lexus SUV, which reportedly had been stolen, roaming the streets of Hollywood, with the suspect eventually driving the car northbound on Interstate 5. 

CHP Newhall officers got the call at 1:56 p.m. Wednesday that the suspect was coming into their jurisdiction.

“We got behind him around Magic Mountain Parkway,” said Greengard, adding that officers then chased the subject into the Grapevine and into the Gorman area. 

After being apprehended, suspect James Vacarro, 39, was transported and booked at Twin Towers Correctional Facility.

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