Everything You Need to Know About Cheating in a Relationship


Despite the idea that people use online dating sites and social media to cheat, “A cheater will find ways to cheat and there’s no one platform that provokes or encourages it” told Andy Lew to a dating website Tendermeets.com. So, with no single platform to blame for cheating, it’s a good idea to look at the science behind cheating and see what it has to say about it. These discoveries and trends will help you avoid being on the receiving end of a bad breakup.

What Science Says about Cheating

Science has discovered many things about the reasons why people cheat and what people even consider cheating. One of the first discoveries that are important to look at is the fact the infidelity is not a rigid subject; it’s fluid. That is, some people think that any physical activity with another person such as kissing or anything more serious is cheating. Others also look at emotional cheating, where a person is more emotionally invested in another.

Science also says that people are more likely to think that other people are going to cheat but think it’s less likely that their partner will cheat. At most, a journal found that about 9% of people admitted to cheating on their partner at one time or another.

Of course, one interesting tidbit has emerged regarding cheating and that is the sex of the person that one’s significant other cheated with. If it’s someone of the same sex, it’s less likely to be viewed as cheating as with a different partner. All in all, science has a lot to say on the topic.

Who Are the Biggest Cheaters?

According to reports, the people that are most likely to cheat on their partners are those that rely on their partner for financial support. If a woman is reliant on her partner or a man, there is a higher chance that they cheat.

There are some specific types of people that are more likely to commit adultery, too. For example, people who have already cheated are more likely to cheat. The same goes for people that have a higher libido than their partner and people that are about to hit a certain age milestone like 29-year-olds about to turn 30. All in all, men and women seem to cheat at the same rate according to multiple studies.

Cheating Around the World

Different cultures have unique views on the concept of cheating. Some find it more permissible while others look down on cheating as a very serious betrayal even if the two people are just dating.

In the United States, people who cheat are often ridden with guilt. On the other hand, the French tend to view multiple relationships are more permissible. In some countries and cultures, the concept of polygamy is more acceptable, too. That means the idea of cheating is less existent than it is in other nations.

Science and dating experts alike have a lot to say about the subject of cheating. While the research points to certain kinds of people that are more likely to cheat than others, nothing is exact. To that point, it’s certainly not linked to a specific kind of dating or another. All you can do today is to find a partner that is open and honest with you and hope for the best.

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