Two positions within the Castaic Union School District were approved to be laid off by the board during Tuesday night’s meeting.
Two special education paraeducators positions, one at Castaic Elementary School and one at Castaic Middle School, were no longer required due to students moving on to higher grade levels.
“The students who need special education services are moving on to other schools outside of our district,” Superintendent Steve Doyle said, “which means we no longer require the services of the classified instructional aids.”
The positions were voted to be laid off in order for the current position holders to be able to apply for other jobs within the district, according to Doyle.
The classified positions will expire at the end of the 2019-20 school year. The removal of the positions will reduce the district’s 2020-21 budget by approximately $69,000.
“Removing the positions allows the employees to apply for other positions within the district that they’re qualified for,” said Doyle.