Lyft driver arrested on suspicion of Santa Clarita sexual assault

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department seal. File Photo
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department seal. File Photo

A Lyft driver was arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting a female passenger while she slept.

Mohammad Rahman, 43, of Fullerton, was arrested in connection to the suspected June 12 attack in Santa Clarita.

“An adult female reported that she had been sexually assaulted earlier in the morning by a Lyft driver that she had hired to drive her from a residence in Orange County to a residence in Santa Clarita,” said Sgt. Brian Hudson of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Special Victims Bureau. “The victim told investigators that she entered the rear seat of the suspect’s vehicle and had fallen asleep during the drive to Santa Clarita.”

Hudson said when the victim awoke, she discovered the suspect was sexually assaulting her.

On Aug. 18, Rahman was located and arrested in the city of Fullerton by LASD detectives and transported to the SCV Sheriff’s Station.

He was being held in lieu of $100,000 bail.

The investigation remains ongoing, Hudson said, but he added there was no reason to believe there are additional victims at this time.

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