One sent to hospital after solo-vehicle crash in Canyon Country

A Los Angeles County Fire Department truck moves quickly to scene.
FILE PHOTO A Los Angeles County Fire Department truck moves quickly to scene. Katharine Lotze/The Signal

One person was transported to a local hospital following a solo-vehicle crash in Canyon Country Friday night. 

Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel responded to reports of a traffic collision on Via Princessa and Jason Drive sound 7:33 p.m., according to supervisor Miguel Ornelas. 

“The Sheriff’s (Station) was our informant,” he said. “It was a single-vehicle (crash) and transported one patient to a local hospital.” 

While no information was immediately available regarding the condition of the person, Ornelas said the patient was sent via Advance Life Saving paramedics, meaning pre-hospital life support services are available or deployed while en route to a hospital.

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