Flyers are a great way to get your message out and find new customers. They can be widely distributed, and they are affordable to make. However, they need to look professional to be effective. Your goals for a marketing flyer should be to draw attention to as many motivated customers as possible, and to get as many of those people to convert. If your flyer doesn’t have a professional look and feel, then it won’t grab attention, and it won’t get conversions. Here are some tips to learn how to design a great flyer that looks professional and will bring you success.
Plan Out Your Content
One of the most important steps to designing a great flyer is planning out what you want it to say. There are several reasons for this. For one, you want to be able to design your flyer to combine the function with the form of it. Flyers also can display a lot of information, but you want the most important information to be front and center, and not drowned out in a sea of other things. A good rule of thumb is to plan it out by the title, the subtitle, and the content. Once you have an idea of what you want to say and what will be the most important, you can start to design and create your flyer. This will also help you avoid forgetting about any small details that need to be on your flyer. For example, you can’t ask them to call your number or visit your website if they are not listed somewhere easy to find on the page.
Use An Online Service
Creating a flyer isn’t just a matter of throwing your words and graphics on some pages and seeing what happens. You need to place all of the elements in the right places to get the best impact. If you aren’t familiar with graphic design and everything that goes into it, your choices could be ineffective. However, there are luckily online services like MyCreativeShop that can do this work for you. They provide you with templates and suggestions so that all you need to do is plug in your content, images, and graphics. Since experts have built these templates, you can be confident that the designs will help your flyer be as attractive as possible.
While you may have a lot of information to convey, there should be certain things that are more important than others. This information should be readily available and visible for your audience. It’s crucial that you use contrast to make it pop off the page. You can do this by varying the size of your font for certain information, having it in bold colors, or even just by changing the font. Whatever you choose to do, that vital information needs to pop off the page and draw the eye.
Consider Your Target Audience
When designing a flyer, always consider the audience that you want to reach. If you are looking for corporate clients, then you may want to be more understated with your colors and fonts. Minimalism and subtlety might be the best approach. You can always throw in some accent colors to highlight certain components of your flyer. However, if you are advertising a birthday service for children, your flyer can be bolder, with bright colors, big graphics, and a lot of noise. This will not just appeal to your audience, but it will also signal what kind of brand you are.
Design It To Be Kept
Let’s face it, there are a lot of people who will maybe give any flyer they get a quick scan before tossing it in the trash or recycling. They are usually on cheaper paper that doesn’t have a glossy finish or a professional look. However, there is one way to get over the quick recycling problem. That is by creating a flyer that is not just attractive, but feels like something that should be kept. Use engaging content, beautiful images, contrasting colors, and heavy stock paper. This will take more of an investment, but you will produce flyers that stay on coffee tables for longer. Even though it’s the same information, subconsciously people are less likely to impulsively toss something out if it looks and feels like it was made with care. So, even if they are not in the market for what you are selling at the time they get the flyer, they may be at some point down the road. They will be much more likely to remember your brand since it stayed with them longer than other brands did.
Never be intimidated by the thought of having to create a flyer for your business. A flyer is a great offline marketing technique that will help spread the word and get your brand in front of thousands of people. Use these tips to make sure that your flyer looks as professional as possible.