At 2:30 p.m., with only a half-hour to go, hundreds of cars were still lined up for the hazardous waste/e-waste drop-off event held at College of the Canyons’ Valencia campus on Saturday. From University Center Drive, cars stood bumper to bumper on Rockwell Canyon Road extending southbound halfway to McBean Parkway and northbound to Valencia Boulevard.
“I’ve waited in line over an hour to drop off my electronic waste,” said Ken Haynie, of Newhall. “I come every year. I guess it’s worth it.”
Ken Chase, also of Newhall, waited on Rockwell Canyon Road. “It’s been over an hour, but it’s a nice day,” he said.

Nicki Voss and David Rosenboom sat with their car windows open, waiting to turn right on University Center Drive from Rockwell Canyon Road to enter the parking lot for the hazardous waste/e-waste drop-off.
“We come every year,” said Voss. “Last year it was canceled, so we have over a year’s worth of stuff to drop off — e-waste, medications and batteries.”
Millie Jones, of Valencia, went to the drop-off twice Saturday.
“I came earlier this morning, but it was too crowded. I came back this afternoon, but it’s just as bad. It’s been an over an hour wait in line,” said Jones.
The drop-off, which was sponsored by Los Angeles County in partnership with the city of Santa Clarita, started at 9 a.m.