Water pipeline replacement campaign begins

Crews from SCV Water dig up sections of Decoro Drive to replace a 1,500-foot section of underground pipe. Bobby Block / The Signal.

Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency broke ground Monday on a three-month-long water pipeline replacement project on Decoro Drive between Blueridge Drive and Bidwell Lane. 

Four large mainline breaks have scarred Decoro Drive between Blueridge and Vista Delgado drives in Valencia over the last year, according to the water agency. 

“This proactive measure ensures our water system remains reliable, helps reduce damage from future breaks as well as minimizes interrupted water service, traffic delays and lost water,” SCV Water’s Assistant General Manager Steve Cole said in a statement. 

SCV Water crews are replacing a 1,500-foot section of 14-inch diameter PVC pipeline with 14-inch ductile iron pipeline between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Ductile iron piping is longer lasting, according to the agency. 

New ductile iron piping will replace PVC piping. Bobby Block / The Signal.

SCV Water does not plan on shutting off water as part of this project. Construction will impact traffic, but the agency stated “at least one lane of traffic will remain open, along with the sidewalks and bike lane, ensuring there is always thru-traffic access in both directions on Decoro Drive.” 

The pipeline replacement on Decoro Drive is the first of multiple projects planned for in SCV Water’s Valencia service area. SCV Water said it will budget $1.5 million per year for replacement projects. 

Crews are working between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday through June 2021. Bobby Block / The Signal.

For the next two years, SCV Water has targeted Dickason Drive and Smyth Drive, Newhall Ranch Road and Bouquet Canyon Road, and Newhall Ranch Road and Dickason Drive. Valencia Marketplace is also part of the water agency’s pipeline-replacement target list. 

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