Buzzy Wieman backs his 1963 15-window Volksgagen Samaba van into an empty spot amid the dozens of pre-1978 classic cars on display at the Show and Shine car show Saturday at Route 66 Classic Grill in Canyon Country. 050821. Dan Watson/The Signal
Kane Fortness, 10, dances to classic rock music from the live band SoundWaves as they perform on stage at the Show and Shine car show at Route 66 Classic Grill in Canyon Country on Saturday, 050821. Dan Watson/The SignalMike and Ana Wertz walk down the rows of classic, pre-1978 cars on display at the Show and Shine car show held Saturday at Route 66 Classic Grill in Canyon Country. 050821. Dan Watson/The SignalNick Sheets holds his son, Jordan 2, on his shoulders as they examine the Radio Flyer wagon displayed on top of the vintage Volkswagen beetle on display at the Show and Shine car show held at Route 66 Classic Grill in Canyon Country on Saturday, 050821. Dan Watson/The SignalA classic Chevy Nova and a 2000 Dodge Viper cross in front of the stage as the band SoundWaves performs classic rock at the Show and Shine car show Saturday at Route 66 Classic Grill in Canyon Country. 050821. Dan Watson/The Signal
Dan Watson
Dan Watson, Director of Photography, has worked in community news on many local newspapers for decades and has worked at The Santa Clarita Signal for a combined total of 13 years.