The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency board of directors felt assured in their agency’s water quality after receiving a presentation Tuesday night about the agency’s 2021 Consumer Confidence Report released in early June.
Ryan Bye, a water quality specialist at SCV Water, told directors that he draws confidence in the agency’s water from his daily review of its water quality data.
“When I look at the Consumer Confidence Report, I feel that our water is safe enough for our kids to drink (and) safe enough for me to drink,” he said.
Directors thanked Bye for his presentation, which explained the various part of the report, including water sources, water source assessments, information about contaminants, and other water characteristics.
“I’ve drank it for 50 years,” board Vice President Jerry Gladbach said of the local water. “I’m still here.”
Director Jeff Ford told his colleagues that he’s often asked if the agency’s water is safe to drink.
“I say, ‘Yes, the water that you drink meets all of the standards, both federal and state,’” he said, noting he sends them the link to the report to anyone who asks.
Director Lynne Plambeck said she also gets that question, as well as questions about the report.
“It’s always good to have a little review before my neighbor asks, ‘What the heck is this?’” she said of the report, expressing her appreciation to staff for their work on the report.
Assessment results shared in the report did not find the bacteria E. coli in the drinking water systems. Nitrite, of which high levels in drinking water can be harmful to human health, above the maximum containment level, was also not found.
The report also noted that traces of lead and volatile organic compounds, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production, were not detected in the water.
SCV Water has taken offline wells with traces of PFAS and PFOA, manmade chemicals that can cause adverse health effects, that have approached a health-based level where the state’s Division of Drinking Water recommends removing a water source from service.
The full consumer confidence report is available online at
The SCV Water board is scheduled to meet virtually on Aug. 3 at 6:30 p.m. Directors will hear a presentation about their options for meeting as a board in person and virtually moving forward.