
Is investing in cryptocurrency a nightmare for you? Do you think you will lose money if you buy cryptocurrency? Want to know an easy-breezy way to manage and track your crypto investments to avoid confusion? 

If your answer for all the above questions is probable “Yes”, then as a beginner, you will need a portfolio tracker application to manage and keep track of all valuations of your crypto investment opportunities to quickly analyze the prices and buy/sell your assets accordingly. 

Initially, when I started investing in cryptocurrency, I faced many issues from deciding which crypto exchange to which crypto wallets to buy. Though now many crypto related publications like Themoneymongers, Coindesk and Cointelegraph that provides Crypto related tutorials and news. 

If you’re a new investor, you can refert to above mentioned websites and if you’re a experience once you need to have some sort of portfolio management apps for your crypto invetments. Luckily we’ve complied a list of top crypto portfolio management apps, you can choose any one of them according to your requirements. Mainly, some factors are to be considered before opting for the app:- 

  • If you have invested in any prime crypto (i.e., Bitcoin, Ethereum) and want to know the real-time live price with your holdings, you can use any basic app. 
  • If you have invested in any other cryptocurrencies like XRP, Uniswap, Litecoin, Stellar, Tera, TRON, etc., you will need an all-over global app. 
  • If you have invested a good amount and gradually make active buying/selling and booking profit in short terms instead of long-term holdings, unlike others, it’s one of the other scenarios in which you can go for any of these recommended apps. 
  • Suppose you are day trading and taking the profit you booked at the end of the regular session. In that case, you will surely need extensively detailed charts, historical prices, finance news, and technical signals for better decisions about buying/selling. 

These factors play a major role in the documentation and management of portfolios, no matter which types among these four; to level up your crypto game and gain immense profits, you must use one of the following apps. 


It’s a well established and popular portfolio tracker which has many features like: 

It has a feature to link all payment procedures, hardware wallet options, and exchanges which can tell you about the profit and loss status of your investments dynamically. 

You can also read the latest news and market updates related to the crypto you are tracking. This helps you be always informed and updated about your investments. 


It is a decent substitute for the above app, but moreover, it tackles a problem by deducting the balance from the crypto when you sell it. 

Currently, Blockfolio is acquired by the famous crypto exchange FTX; hence, you can trade or buy crypto and stocks from this app itself without the need to link your trading platform and portfolio tracker app. 

Price alerts, coin charts, and signals are also available for detailed analysis. 


It’s a popular crypto trading analyzer which the majority of people have definitely come across. Still, it also allows the portfolio tracking feature by manually adding different crypto and performing your analysis. 

It’s quite similar to managing the portfolio via Excel or Google, and that’s the reason it’s very handy to use for most people. Adding a buy/sell is easy, and you can also add notes for your understanding. 


It’s a go-to portfolio management app that is commonly used by people who wish to hold their investments for the long term with minimal or occasional buying/selling. 

It also offers past historical statistics and data for better trading experience strategies regarding buying/selling at the correct time. 

This app enables you to work on an easy user interface(but feels pretty outdated for millennials) for determining your past, current, and categorically bifurcated holdings of coins and cryptocurrencies.  

One of the good features is the realized and unrealized Gain/loss strategy. The connectivity with all payment and wallet exchange sources is available in this application, which makes it easily accessible to a larger audience. It also provides a new API feature to fetch the latest trading data for better analysis.  

  1. DELTA 

It’s a popular alternative for the Blockfolio app due to some better features and its aesthetic and attractive interface with easy-to-use and understands toggling features to hover along with the holdings and investment tabs easily. 

It has more than 2000 cryptocurrency options to trade in. The fiat currencies available for exchange can be set as reserve currencies and deducted from your purchases periodically to get a clear idea of your current portfolio. 

It has separate portfolios and watchlist panels, a price action alert system, cryptanalysis with all market details, and a facility to sync five devices together. 

So finally, I hope you got familiar with the Portfolio management applications and will choose anyone according to your requirements and start trading in the cryptocurrency domain as it’s pretty trending in this era of earning money and get financially stable by innovative investing strategies; so use these apps to their full potential to get intelligent and rich. 

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