There are a range of solar inverter batteries types on the market. Choosing the most suitable equipment for your system, however, depends on technical criteria, which can be done through a company specialized in the field of solar energy, such as Loom Solar. In this post, you will get to know about the off-grid solar power system and importance of solar inverter batteries in Off-Grid solar power system, understand the characteristics of each one of them and, at the end, understand which would be the most suitable for the type of photovoltaic solar energy project you intend to carry out.
A grid-tie or grid-connected system is basically composed of an array of photovoltaic panels, usually installed on roofs, devices for electrical protection and an inverter that is connected to the grid of the utility company.
During sunny hours, the electricity generated by the panels, through the inverter, feeds the appliances in the house. If the energy consumption at a given time is greater than the amount produced by the panels, the inverter “searches” the necessary difference in the electrical network. If the opposite is happening, the inverter sends the excess energy for the network that is “delivered” to the utility, generating credits that can be deducted from the energy bill of subsequent months or can be used in another consumer unit of the same user, provided that it is in its area of operation dealership.
Use of Off-Grid Photovoltaic Systems
Nowadays, the use of Off-grid photovoltaic systems is mainly to ‘bring electricity to locations not served by the electricity grid’, or to keep some equipment off the grid, in order to continue operating even when there is a power outage in the public network.
In the early 2000s, with incentives to universalize electricity, in particular through the Light for All Program, many distributors serving rural areas in India adopted small photovoltaic systems as a source of energy, managing to serve communities far away from the urban centers, and where the cost of taking the hammocks would be very high.
Dimensioning of the Off-grid photovoltaic system
An off-grid photovoltaic system can be designed to power any type of load, any amount of power and energy. Of course, the more powerful the equipment to be electrically powered, and the longer the usage time, the more energy they consume, and the larger the Off-grid photovoltaic system must be to meet their energy needs. And the more powerful an off-grid system is, the greater the financial investment for its implementation.
The solar inverter batteries that best adapt to this application are Lithium Ion batteries that, in addition to being stationary, do not emanate gases in normal operation. The lithium battery does not have its useful life impaired with increasing ambient temperature within 60 degrees Celsius and 100% can be discharged without prejudice to the designed lifetime. Its efficient loading and unloading generates less system losses and rationalizes its resources.
Therefore, it is much more common to feed small loads, such as lighting, telecommunication and small household items. This makes it possible to apply the panels on roofs with different slopes and/or critical shading points. In India, some companies use this solution and Loom Solar is one of them. You can buy easily buy online inverter batteries from them with your eyes closed because they are one of the most reliable and trustworthy solar product manufacturers in India.