Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review: The Rare Truth About Blast Air Cleaner In The United States?


When everyday researchers want to blow your mind off or to debunk a popular myth, they start with the question, Did you know? Did you know that your body is 70% hydrogen? During a group therapy session I attended the week before, the nutritionist invited to hold a lecture kept going on with Did you know that one apple a day could keep you away from the doctors? During the session I thought, “wow, what a perfect way to introduce my Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review today!” 

In this Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review, we are beginning with a very important Do You Know question from the US Environmental Protection Agency: Did you know that the air inside your house is actually 2 to 5 times less conducive and dirtier than the one you breathe outdoors? And did you also know that the air indoors is 100 times unhealthier when compared to the air outdoors? Shocking?! We are also just finding out! 

We often imagine that all the typical outdoor air pollution emanating from factory smokestacks expelling guff upon guff of smoke or that the lampblack emitted by our city buses and trucks are to be feared more than the dirty air in our homes. 

But research has shown that, in fact, our homes are quite the magnets attracting all sorts of airborne particles that are undeniably dangerous to the human respiratory system. This disposes you to common problems like coughing, asthma, irregular heartbeat, sore throat, decreased lung function, and other respiratory issues.

However, hear the way out now, tech has provided us a way to filter these dirty particles and make sure the air we breathe at home is cleaner.  One of such tech brands goes by the name Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner. By using a combination of advanced filtering, activated charcoal, and negative ion technology, Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner seeks to reduce bad odors and dust from the air you breathe. 

General Overview Of Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review

All Blast Air Cleaner reviews reveal it has a built-in air purifier that clears the air from hazardous pollutants, such as dust and allergens. The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner manages noise quite well, and you won’t even feel that you have an air cleaner around you.

Overview Of Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review

Do you want to know about Blast Air Cleaner in detail? Then our blast auxiliary air cleaner review is perfect for you. Moreso, find out why Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is making its way into the review pages of our blog. 

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner has been one of the most appreciated air purifiers across USA, Canada, UK and other places. Its durability, affordability, portability and ergonomically designed makes it the best air purifier for anyone looking for the best way to get a purer air devoid of odor, airborne particles, dust, dirt and debris.

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is one of the few genuine air cleaners or purifiers in today’s market. If you are looking for a highly affordable and yet efficient air cleaner or air purifier then Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is for you, especially with the current 50% discount promo.

Although the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner may not have a big brand name, the Blast Air Cleaner reviews consumer reports across USA, UK indicate that it is well-liked by its current users as it meets up in terms of high-quality efficiency, battery life, easy and quick charging, stylish design durability, and most importantly affordability.

This Blast Air Cleaner review is not out to solely promote, but to honestly review the features, advantages and disadvantages of this Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner especially now that it’s trending in the United States. Let’s walk right into it! Kindly put down your thoughts and comment in the comment section, I look forward to hearing from you, especially if you have questions to ask.

What is a Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner (Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Reviews)

You might have heard of this Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner if you have a very active presence online because the product has gotten quite a bit of attention. But it is still new for those who flicker on and off online. Nonetheless, Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is a portable air purifier that removes odors and airborne particles from the air recently launched in the tech market. 

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is an activated charcoal fan that purifies the surrounding air through the process of ionization without ozone added.The idea behind using activated charcoal filters is based on creating negative ions in the air that bind to the positive ions (dust, allergens, and germs), forcing these ions to fall to the floor and no floating in the air where they can be inhaled.

The negatively charged dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, and pet dander are discharged into the room where they combine with positively charged dust, pollen, cigarette, and pet dander to produce larger particles. The particle matter in the air grows heavier and falls to the ground, removing it from the air you breathe.

Super clean, charcoal activated bags are also included with the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner. After that, the ionized air is drawn through the charcoal which removes the smell, dust, bacteria and other particles. Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner removes odors and 99.5% of harmful airborne particles from the air you breathe.

Importantly, the manufacturer confirmed to blast auxiliary air cleaner reviews that Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is not a medical device, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, monitor, or prevent medical conditions/illnesses. 

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner review states that as an innovative portable air purifier, it does just what the name says, which is to clean the air you breathe of any contaminants and pollutants. The Blast Air Cleaner is very compact and portable which means that it can be moved from one room to another, from your workspace to your buddy’s home, just about anywhere you want. It doesn’t require a lot of electricity which is a good way to help you keep your bill low.

Reading online blast auxiliary air cleaner reviews in the USA, you will find out that the purifier effect of this air cleaner cleanses the air from dirt and other airborne particles that may cause a respiratory problem, or an allergic reaction like coughing or having a hard time breathing.

Interestingly, at the moment, the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is available for a discounted price, plus the company has a good refund policy. But before you settle your mind on buying this blast air cleaner, take your time to thoroughly go through this blast auxiliary air purifier review to see the good sides and the bad sides of this product.


Does Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Actually Work (Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review USA) 

I found that the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner works exceptionally well when in use. Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is an activated charcoal fan that purifies the surrounding air through the process of ionization without ozone added.The idea behind using activated charcoal filters is based on creating negative ions in the air that bind to the positive ions (dust, allergens, and germs), forcing these ions to fall to the floor and no floating in the air where they can be inhaled.

Reviewing the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is necessary as the demand for at home personal space air purification is on the rise. The concern for respiratory issues related to the current pandemic have put a heightened spotlight on the necessary need of high quality personalized air purification and filtration when and where needed most. 

The Air Cleaner from Blast is the first of many healthy air products offered by the popular consumer goods brand, with the Blast Portable AC and Blast Personal Fan units being highly-sought out this summer too.

You’ll even find that the odor starts to dissipate and will eventually go away completely once you start using Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner. If you’ve ever had an air filtration system before, you know that some systems simply are not safe.

Every Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review confirms that what this Air cleaner does is to cleanse your air without leaving ozone behind. You can sleep with the Blast Air Cleaner on all night and not be afraid that harsh chemicals or byproducts will impact you.

The air that’s produced is 100% safe and clean. High-quality components and materials are used to manufacture Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner, so you don’t have to worry about it breaking down. The manufacturer has chosen to use the best, highest-quality natural charcoal to eliminate offensive odors and airborne particulates.

Charcoal is the “magic” behind this product.

The charcoal will filter all of the air, while the ionizer is in charge of drawing the air into the filter. Working together, the unit will be able to remove all of the hidden particles that you breathe in and are impacting your health.

You and your family deserve to have crisp, clean air to breathe at a price you can afford. Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner allows you to eliminate the fear of air pollution impacting your family and does it at a price you can’t beat. There’s also an amazing refund policy that I can’t wait to tell you about in the next section.

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Reviews (How Do I Use Blast Air Cleaner)

One of the key features of the Blast Auxiliary Air cleaner is that it is absolutely easy to use. The manufacturers believe that even if you’ve never made use of an air cleaner or any of such appliances in your life, using the Blast Auxiliary air cleaner can be a very simple task to perform. And if along the way you find yourself confused, there’s always the user instruction manual to help you navigate through. 

However, we are going to quickly mention some of the things you should note about how Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner works and what makes it really work. For one, Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner does not work like some of those air conditioners where you need to hire the service of a professional electrical engineer to install it for you. 

This implies not only extra effort but also additional expenses and time that may be spent making arrangements. On the other hand, however, your Blast Auxiliary air cleaner neither needs a transport service or a professional to come and set it up for you. 

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is more than easy to use. You won’t be paying any professional money to put it into use. The manufacturers have made you your own tech pro by engineering the product to fall in line with the DIY technologies. In fact, it doesn’t need the typical maintenance as most air appliances need. 

To start enjoying your Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner, you have to take it out of the box. The product is not entirely dissemblable, so all you need to do is to adjust a few things and start using it right away.  Make sure to attach the air cleaner to an electrical switch, which of course doesn’t require any expertise. It is the same way you attach your phone’s charger to an electrical switch to charge.

Remember to place your Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner on a flat surface before doing anything. Next, take out the wire and attach the power adapter into a small port on the AC. Use the plug to enter into the electrical outlet then turn it on and start using right away.

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review (Features of the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner)

According to several Blast Auxiliary reviews online and on the official website, there are many traits of this amazing air cleaner that make it a great choice for anyone looking for a way of removing bad breaths from the home. Below are some of the top unique features that kept being talked about by users all over the internet. Take a look:

USB-C Powered: Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is USB-C enabled. This means that you can use this product with your computer or laptop! All you simply need to do is to use any USB-C cable you have to power the device.

High Performance Filter: Another interesting top feature is the The Blast Auxiliary

Air Cleaner’s High Performance Filter which removes up to 99.5% of dirts and airborne particles from the air you breathe. It’s a good thing that the high performance filter is replaceable. Each replaceable filter will last the user up to six months. So, ensure to replace your filter every 3-6 months in order to ensure high functionality. 

Having this feature means that this product is just right in the removal of harmful particles from the air you breathe and your family breathe at home. Now you can breathe fresh, clean and healthy air in just the time it takes to set your Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner working, which barely takes minutes.

Mood Light: The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner comes with mood light that you can set and use to enhance your decoration in any room. This unique mood lighting quality gives you the cool room vibe you need to stay positive.

Grid Design: The manufacturer emphasized that The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner has a grid pattern of vents on every side, providing you with clean air in 360° from the device.

Compact: The compact design means that it will fit well in any space. The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is a modern technology that comes in a compact and sleek design which can actually be a benefit, since it doesn’t struggle with you for space in the room. You’re just supposed to place it on a flat surface, maybe on a table, and allow it to do its work. Again, since the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is not a huge appliance that requires a lot of space in the room. 

Has Just One Button Operation: It has already been mentioned that the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is in line with DIY technologies in its simple usage requirements. Being the ultimate in simplicity and ease of use, it can be activated by the push of a button. No technical skill is required. No complex setup is required to get it working.

Provides Night Light: In case you have a problem with heavy lights in the night, having this product will give you just the right amount of night light to help you not to step over the cat on your way to the bathroom. The device reads the setting on its LED screen which also doubles as a night light, preventing your room from being pitch dark. 

Lightweight and Portability: The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is lightweight. It is quite portable, and so goes with you wherever you need it. Its lightweight and portable size make it the perfect quality for wherever you want to breathe clean air, whether in the kitchen, bathroom, room, workspace or any other place.

Swift Action: The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner works just in seconds. As soon as you turn on the appliance, it needs less than 30 seconds to blow out dirty air. Within a short time, you can expect to get rid of the clingy that has been proving hard to get rid of.


Why Should I Buy Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner?

With germs and virus in the world today spreading rapidly, people are looking for effective ways to protect themselves and create a practical cleaning process in their homes.

Mandatory use of a face mask is now a rule in many public places right now, but what happens to these particles when individuals come home from these public areas? All of the germs they may have come in contact with are now dispersed into their homes or office environments, and a product like Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner could make a noticeable difference.

The engineering of the New Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner eliminates the harmful dust, allergens, pollutants, particles and germs from any room, Blaux In Home can easily be set up and placed in any space to clean the air

When compared with cheaper, lower-quality air purifiers, it’s easy to see why Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is the option to go for. We’ve had air filters in the past that didn’t seem like they were doing anything, but this unit had a noticeable effect on the air we were breathing.

We endured the brunt of the 2020 West Coast wildfire season with the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner in our home, and we found that it did a good job keeping the indoor air breathable. In comparison to the years when we had no air filtration system to speak of, it was fantastic. 

With this blast auxiliary air cleaner, we felt better upon waking up and continued to feel better throughout the day. We found that it also helped get rid of the chronic cough and headaches that usually persist during the fire season.

For odors, the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner was great — it made even large rooms smell neutral. After running it on high for a while, we did notice a slight charcoal scent, but nothing too intense.

Benefits of Using the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner (Blast Air Cleaner Reviews USA)

If you are confused about the benefits you get while using Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner, you will agree with every Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review that unhealthy air could lead to a lot of health challenges and many. Using Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner means you want the air you breathe cleaner. Here are the benefits that comes using this air cleaner.

Enjoy Fresh Breath: There’s nothing that’s as annoying as coming into your home and the air indoors trying to choke you. With the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner you can now say goodbye to musty-dusty smelling rooms. Bid farewell to air quality that makes you feel like you are going to gag. 

Strong Filtration and Activated Carbon Filter: According to the manufacturer on blast auxiliary air cleaner review, the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner filters out particles as small as 0.3 micrometers. And with the Activated Carbon filter quality, it is able to get rid of unwanted odors to make your home smell fresh.

Uses Negative Ion Technology: The negative ion technology enables the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner to give airborne particles a negative electrical charge, making them drop right out of the air. The Truth is that we may never know what nasty things could linger in the air we breathe. But with Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner, the nasty particles that could possibly cause problems in the respiratory system are cleansed from the air. 

Using advanced ionization technology coupled with the activated charcoal filter aforementioned, the air you breathe will become cleaner and fresher, all with the push of a single button! The manufacturer’s official website states that the “Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner has an advanced 360° air intake and neutralizes air in all directions.” 

Very Easy to Use: You don’t have to worry that the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner may get to your mail all disassembled and stuff. Don’t worry about it, because the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner comes entirely assembled and you just have to follow a few simple steps indicated in the user instruction manual to get it working. Once it’s charged via the included USB-C cable, through the electrical outlet on your computer or any other USB-C electrical outlet, it is ready for use. 

It’s Very Affordable: One of the most mentioned benefits of the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is that it is cost-effective. It is a budget-friendly gadget, if you compare it to any other air cleaner out there. The company is currently running a 50% purchase discount, that means it can help you save some bucks, not only on purchase but also on installation since it’s something you can do by yourself. 

Whisper-Quiet Operation: You can attest to the fact that most air cleaners are very noisy which makes them disturb your peace when you’re just trying to work or get some sleep. However, with the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner, you can decide to place it in front of you and it can run completely noiselessly, allowing you to do whatever you’re doing in peace. 

The company stated on blast auxiliary air cleaner review that the Air Cleaner only creates 18db of noise. 18db of noise means that it’s less than half the volume of a light rain, and about two-thirds the volume of a whisper! The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner won’t bother you while trying to work, sleep, watch a movie, or even while you’re reading.

Lightweight Design: This is one unique and very remarkable quality this product has. The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is about the size of a cup of coffee, it’s very small and lightweight enough to take anywhere with you. You can easily transport it from one room to another, as the weight is not too much. So, if you have separate rooms for sleeping, working, or studying, you don’t have to buy a separate unit for each room.

It Is Easily Maintainable At Home: In the case of wall-mounted air cleaners, you will definitely need the help of an electrical engineer or technician for installation and uninstallation. Then you need the help of a tech professional for its frequent cleaning and maintenance also. However, Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner can be cleaned at home without any complications. You just have to wipe off dust from its parts once in a while.

It is Type C – USB A Powered: Charges over any standard Type C – USB A connection. Of course, the cable is included in the package you receive after you place your order.

Risk-free: The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is TOTALLY Risk-free!  In case you are not satisfied, the company is currently offering you a 30-day money-back guarantee. Contact the customer support, send your package back and get a full refund, no questions needed.

Pros and Cons Of Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner  

While reading this whole Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner review can be time consuming, here are some quick facts about the advantages and the disadvantages that you must not ignore.

Pros (Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Reviews)

  • Innovative, High-quality and portable device
  • Small size and easy to move around
  • Easy to use; no professional installation required
  • Simple maintenance required, with no extra cost
  • Offers respiratory benefits for your health
  • Low-noise and no vibration made
  • Has negative ion technology 
  • Very affordable 

Cons (Blast Air Cleaner Review)

  •  Only available online on the official website, with shipping fees required 
  •  Not available at Amazon, eBay, and other stores
  •  Not available at local stores 
  • Limited stock available

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Reviews Customer Reports (Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review) 

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review USA

“I used to wake up multiple times during the night, always coughing. I always assumed something was just wrong with me, but after running the Blast Auxiliary unit for a few days, my coughing completely stopped! I can’t tell you what it’s like to finally get a great night of sleep again! All I can say is, get yourself a Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner while you can – I’d happily pay double the price if I had to replace mine.”- Jocelyn D. – Clearfield, PA

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Reviews UK

“I used to get red, itchy eyes and congested sinuses all the time, but the Blast Air Cleaner put an end to all that. I LOVE this thing, it’s changed my life completely and can’t wait to tell my sisters about it. My whole family suffers from allergy problems.”- Mischa F. – Douglas, WY

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Reviews Canada

“I just place this thing in a room before I go out, and when I come back home, I can’t believe how fresh and clean my room smells! Activated charcoal is the best at removing stubborn odors, and it sure works in this unit. It feels like an invisible hand yanked all of the stink right out of the room!”- Heather R. – Alice Springs, AU

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Reviews Australia

“My wife deals in antique books, which is great – but unfortunately, it makes our home smell like a used bookstore. I plugged in the Blast Auxiliary unit, not expecting much, but I was totally blown away! It got rid of that musty, old book smell after running it for just a few hours. Worth every penny!”- Tyler K. – Pine Bluff, AR

Where Can I Buy the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner In The USA, Canada, UK and Australia

If you have already decided to purchase this innovative air cleaner, then proceed to the website now. And if you still have any iota of doubt, then we recommend that you buy a single unit of Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner and see how it performs. 

However, it would be more economic wise if you are to purchase the bigger deals, since the bigger the package the higher your discount. You can use the opportunity to show love to your family or friends, by gifting them Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner.

It may be to your benefit that this product is only sold on the manufacturer’s official website, or not. But whatever you do, make sure to avoid buying Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner from third-party retailers as what they are offering might be a Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner scam. Avoid being scammed or sold a fake product by purchasing only on the company’s website. 

Prices of the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner 

Since you have decided in favor of buying this product, have a look at the different price ranges available. They have four different packages to choose from. These are:

  • One unit of Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is available for $69.99
  • You can also decide to get two units of Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner for $139.99
  • Get Three units of this product for $156.99
  • Lastly, the deal of four units of Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is priced at $191.99

In case you really want to buy the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner, don’t delay a bit since it is currently being offered for a discounted price. This discount is not static, so it may go up any second. The original price of a single unit of Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner is $107.68.


Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Reviews (Refund Policy)

The company offers a solid money-back guarantee of 30 days. This makes the purchase of the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner very risk-free. You won’t get this guarantee if you purchase on any other store except the company’s official website. 

The refund policy makes it very safe for you to invest in the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner as you have the option to return it if it doesn’t do the job it promised. This indicates that the manufacturer cares about the investment of its customers and is confident about the functionality of this gadget.

So, if the product doesn’t serve your needs and you want to return the product, you will have to get in touch with the customer support team first. On approval of your request, you will be given an address where you are supposed to return the appliance. 

After this, the amount that you have paid for your purchased units will be returned to you. Just know that any shipping charges are not refundable. In fact, for returning your Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner, a small shipping fee will be applicable. You also have the option to opt for a replacement of your device rather than going for a refund, too.

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are answers to some of the confusing questions consumers might find on any Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Reviews online

How does negative ion technology work?

Your Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner releases thousands of negatively charged ions all through the air. Though completely harmless to humans, they latch onto positively charged airborne particles, weighing them down. From there, they just fall right out of the air and out of your breathing zone!

What color is the nightlight?

You can choose between red, green, blue, yellow, magenta, fuchsia, and orange.

What size room can I clean the air in with the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner?

The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner will purify the air in rooms between 5 and 10 square meters.

Does the fan feature different speed settings?

The Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner features an automatic fan speed setting, but if you wish to set the speed manually, you can choose from Low, Medium, and High fan speeds.

When should I replace the air filter?

Each filter lasts three months with standard usage. Additional filters are available at the company’s website. 

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner Review (Wrap-up)

We have seen from this blast auxiliary air cleaner review that this air cleaner is quite an innovative and portable device that is easy to carry and move around in order to sanctify the air, so to speak. Being a basic device, it is very cost-effective and allows you to save hundreds of dollars from the considerable discount currently offered by the company. 

Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner provides users with a way to improve the freshness in their home without introducing foreign and potentially toxic ingredients into the air. The Blast Air Cleaner doesn’t require much electricity, and it can be plugged in continuously for better performance. While the environment it is placed in will determine how much upkeep is needed, consumers have their choice of fresh air or lavender-scented air.

We have taken enough time to go over the benefits of Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner and have found that in addition to keeping the air in your room clean and fresh, it can save your respiratory system from having unnecessary issues.

Take full advantage of the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner and its ability to rely on high-tech ozone-free electronic ionization that is safe for kids and pets while dispensing beneficial negatively-charged ions back into the air. The activated charcoal bags inside the Blast Auxiliary Air Cleaner allow for a significant reduction in the unpleasant smells while giving users the ability to add Pacific Linen, Yuzu Fresh, and Calming Lavender scented aromatherapy oils to the mix for an enhanced mood environment.


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