How to Get Into Advertising When You Know Nothing About Marketing


The advertising field is burgeoning and it takes a newbie sufficient time and sweat to build up a career and reputation. Whether the dream job is to emerge as a copywriter, social media marketer, art director, or other marketing professionals, the optimum benefits are achievable when you have a breadth of experience, raw talent, and unwavering commitment towards your craft.  

No matter if you want to begin a career path as a freelance marketer or want to build an advertising agency, the article unearths every detail needed to make a successful career in advertising! Let’s get started.  

Analyze where you’re at and where you want to go 

Before you start anything you should know where you are at in your marketing career! Are you in college, attempting to plan out the first career move, or have worked in an industry in a couple of years and are now ready to make the transition into the career?  

Jot down what you’ve known so far and where you want to see yourself! If you’re in a college consider doing an internship in an advertising agency and stay hell-bent on delivering superior services. Amazing marketing to look up to is Buzzoid â€“ a dedicated firm delivering outstanding marketing services for more than a decade.  

Get a degree 

As stated earlier, you should be clear about where you want to head in your career.  In case you are after copywriting or art designer, a bachelor’s degree in the relevant field can be extremely beneficial. Students can now complete the degree in the creative department or advertising program.  Doing this not just widens your knowledge about the field but can help search for the desired job! Most modern advertising agency prefers candidates with the bachelor degree in the relevant field.   

No matter what profession you opt for, knowing every bit of it is important so you can accommodate all the desperate needs of the people you are about to target.  A  successful marketer knows all the perquisites of how a real estate agent wins more leads on Instagram. A keen knowledge of how various platforms work is essential and one should invest in their respective skills or fields to stay competent. People who don’t go with the pace and unlikely to achieve maximum outcomes!  

Build a portfolio  

Since the advertising field is flourishing, advertisers have been making great lump sums of money through their advertising agencies. Putting that point into consideration, many people have chosen advertising as their prime business that has resulted in inflated competition. This is why, if you want to stand out, you need to tell, you are born advertising creative. Remember, when an agency invests in any person, it makes sure that the person will help them reap more profit. For instance, if you want to be a copywriter, show that you are capable to drive the attention of most disinterested people and are grammar savvy, proofread like a pro, and can create catchy headlines of content for clients that eventually help them make more ROI.  

Keep up with the industry trends 

The trend in advertising has significantly evolved, things that worked a year ago don’t work today, and therefore, advertisers should keep an eye out on all the latest updates various platforms announce. This helps them to amend the strategies accordingly. Among all types of advertising, knowing how to effectively advertise on social media possesses the most significance, you should know the hacks behind gaining more subscribers on YouTube or the legitimate ways to buy Instagram followers or ways to get more Twitter followers.   

Gain Experience  

You have started your advertising career and have no prior experience, then know that no one will ever believe in your capabilities! Gaining hands-on experience is crucial; find a part-time or entry-level job so you can get agency experience. Also, try as a freelancer and offer your gigs at smaller rates. They also contribute to valuable experience. There are many independent jobs that you can search on Google. More so, always keep an eye out for the latest opportunities that can help you to prosper in your field. Advertising has been evolving and staying abreast about all ins and outs of each social channel is mandatory. A successful advertiser always cracks down ways to make the most from social media channels – he helps customers to get on the explore page and unleash more potential opportunities for the client’s brand.  

Dust off the resume 

You have gone a long way in your career and it is probably time to update the resume and add all the achievements and experience you have gained so far. Since a resume is the first thing that any employer will see before recruitment, which is why you should make sure that it is updated and is prepped specifically. You should also tweak things to create different versions of it in order to meet the needs of each agency you are applying for. If a business is running an ad, tell them your experience in social media ads, or PPC also shows them what problems you can resolve or how you can help the agency to achieve organizational goals.  

Seek out fame  

You are a brand; you’ve got everything needed to be a successful advertiser. Therefore, you should show the world things you are proud of. It will be good for the career or the health of the agency you are working in. When you seek out more recognition or fame, it helps you unleash more opportunities to create rate ideas that may set the trend. Hence, developing a solid reputation in your industry will ensure a prosperous and long-lasting career.  


Starting a career in a field you do not know about can be challenging! Whenever you come across buzzwords like bounce rate, analytics, or conversions you get blank as you don’t have knowledge or context. Luckily starting a marketing career anywhere or everywhere is possible. Consider taking the online certification, update the resume, apply to any marketing job you find no matter if it is paid or unpaid, build the portfolio and stay determined! Don’t get distracted, keep yourself updated with all the latest techniques and go the extra mile in proving yourself.  

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