Setting up an Airbnb cleaning fee for your listing may be intimidating, regardless of how much experience you have as a host or how fresh you are to the industry. Having a maid service clean up after visitors leaves saves the host money. In exchange for charging a cleaning charge, hosts may ensure that their properties are properly prepared for their guests’ arrival.
To prevent frightening away prospective visitors, it’s usual to see the cost included in ads. How much you charge and how it affects your listing will be discussed in detail in this post.
How Much Does It Cost to Clean an Airbnb?
Hosts charge guests a one-time cleaning fee. After the visitors have checked out, it pays for the cleaning charges of their properties. Many hosts impose a cleaning fee since it enables them to pay for their cleaning supplies and equipment.
Is there a way to understand how the Airbnb cleaning fee is calculated?
An additional charge for cleaning is included in the total booking price. However many visitors and however long they stay, the cleaning charge remains the same. No security deposit is required, and it cannot be refunded after the booking is over.
What Is Included in the Cleaning Fee for Airbnbs?
Hosts may use Airbnb’s cleaning fees to cover the costs of cleaning and preparing their properties for the next visitors. Guests would assume that your rental will take care of basic housekeeping duties for them even if there is no policy in place.
As a rule of thumb, the service price covers the following:
- Beautification of the space or spaces
- Changing the linens
- Supplies for cleaning that were used
- dishes to be washed
- Organizing the refrigerator and the cabinets
- Efforts devoted to cleansing
- General supply house restocking
My Vacation Rental: Should I Charge a Cleansing Fee?
There are no Airbnb guidelines requiring hosts to charge for cleaning, and there are no cleaning fees for Airbnb rentals. It’s common for hosts to charge a cleaning fee since it maintains their properties spotless and encourages visitors to submit a positive review. However, not all hosts prefer to impose a cleaning fee since they believe it raises the cost of their bookings too much. Hosts often clean their homes themselves or engage a cleaning firm to handle their work.
Before making a final decision on whether or not to charge an additional cleaning cost for Airbnb guests, consider the following features:
Size and Type of Real Estate
Higher-priced visitors are more willing to accept an additional cleaning cost if you advertise your property as a luxury experience. You may wish to incorporate this based on your property’s offerings and size to maintain the claimed living standards. You may not need to do this if you’re renting out a room in your house.
Cleaning Services You Can Count On
Cleaning your holiday property will take up time and need cleaning products. You’ll have to weigh the pros and cons of hiring a cleaning service vs. doing it yourself. Professional cleaning companies may be rather expensive, depending on your region and the size of your house.
When it comes to cleaning fees, how much should I charge?
Airbnb host evaluations might suffer if you charge too excessive a price for the services you provide. You have to find a balance between offering a cheap rental rate and maintaining a high standard of cleanliness and upkeep. What works best for your listing and what makes your visitors pleased are the two most important considerations when determining an Airbnb cleaning charge.
Charging a cleaning fee might be a disincentive if you want to promote one-day reservations.
Consider the following things before deciding on your additional expenses:
What are the cleaning costs charged by your competitors? It’s a good idea to look at how they charge for the length of stay and whether or not they include the service fee in the total cost.
Describe your property’s dimensions. Airbnb cleaning fees might be justified based on the size of your house, particularly for larger properties.
What kind of visitors are you hoping to attract? A different reaction may be expected from advertising your Airbnb home to backpackers instead of high-end luxury travelers. Higher prices may be tolerated more readily by a larger target market segment. When deciding on a cost for your listing, think about your ideal visitor.
Is a professional cleaning service being used? As a result, your charge will be significantly affected.
There are several ways the Airbnb cleaning fee might discourage short-term rentals.
To prevent customers from reserving a one-night stay, charging a cleaning charge is a good idea. For a visitor who is staying for one or two nights, an additional cleaning cost of $65 may seem excessive. In contrast, the charge will be fairer for those who plan to remain for a long period.
Is the cleaning fee charged by Airbnb refundable?
Depending on the circumstances, an Airbnb cleaning fee refund may be available. A complete refund of the cleaning cost will be given to a visitor who cancels their reservation before the check-in time. The cleaning charge is not refundable to guests who cancel after their booking has started. This holds regardless of the rental cancellation policy you choose.
Is the Cleaning Fee Included in Airbnb’s Service Fees or Is It?
Airbnb’s service costs will apply to the cleaning fee you charge. The cleaning price is already included in the total cost of your reservation; therefore, it will not be influenced by the service costs charged by Airbnb. You may be charged a different service fee based on the location of your property.
Only 3% of your booking cost will be charged as a service fee if your property is in the United States, Canada, Mexico, The Bahamas, Argentina, Taiwan, and Uruguay. Guests will pay around 14%. There is no service charge for visitors in any other country, and hosts only pay a small percentage of the total bill.
What Are My Options for Changing the Price of the Cleaning Fee on Airbnb?
Your Airbnb profile is the best place to change your cleaning fees.
Log in to your Airbnb account now.
On your profile dashboard, choose “Your Listings.”
“Pricing” is the link.
The “Cleaning Fee” may be edited by clicking Edit next.
Once you’ve entered the new amount, click “Save.”
An Airbnb cleaning charge is an easy way to keep your home in top shape while making your visitors happy. To come up with the final service rates, it is important to consider all of the above elements while keeping your desired visitor in mind.
Use automation to make cleanings even better and ensure that visitors get the finest service possible. Vacation rental software, such as Lodgable, may assist you in scheduling cleanings so that your property is ready for the next visitors.
- Use a single dashboard to sync your calendars and manage bookings across Airbnb, Booking.com, and Vrbo/HomeAway. You may even add additional vacation rental sites using iCal.
- Organize your visitors’ questions in a single inbox and send them automatic responses as soon as possible.
- Increase the number of customer reviews by using a review automation system;
- Using our direct booking management toolkit, you can better manage your direct reservations.
- Booking.com and direct booking customers will automatically be charged for their stay.
- Your team may be managed, with each member having varying degrees of access.
- Use reporting tools to keep track of your business’s progress.