Gina Bee Events set to be featured on ‘Destination L.A.’

Photo courtesy of Gina Boersma.
Photo courtesy of Gina Boersma.

Local event planner Gina Boersma is set to be featured on season two of “Destination L.A.” airing in 2023. Boersma’s event planning company, Gina Bee Events, will be the first and only event planning company featured on season two. 

Boersma was working at a place “that serves endless soup, salad and breadsticks” before starting up Gina Bee Events.  

Gina Bee Events originally began as a one-woman operation, but as word spread about Boersma’s work she began to feel swamped with all the work she had to do by herself. 

“This is a more-than-one-person job,” said Boersma. 

She began recruiting a team with the same passion she had, including one of her former co-workers Keren Giselle Redondo.  

Gina Bee Events is marketed as a wedding and special event coordination company.  

“We’re not just wedding planners,” said Boersma.  

Photo courtesy of Gina Boersma.
Photo courtesy of Gina Boersma.

When “Destination L.A.” had approached Boersma about featuring Gina Bee Events in the show, she had originally thought it was a scam. Scam emails have become increasingly popular, so this had to be another one, she thought. Once she saw that it was sent from someone at CBS, she knew that it was real, but why Gina Bee Events? 

“Destination L.A.” is a CBS show that highlights businesses in Los Angeles County and the stories behind them. Typically, restaurants and activity centers are featured. Only one event planning company was featured on season one.  

Boersma said yes to the opportunity with no hesitation. 

With this opportunity, Boersma and Redondo wanted to showcase the one prominent lesson they learned from working in the restaurant industry – hospitality.  

“The foundation of that hospitality took us into our own adventures,” said Boersma.  

Photo courtesy of Gina Boersma.
Photo courtesy of Gina Boersma.

The pair also hoped that their love and passion for what they do would be able to translate through a television screen. 

“We just love taking care of people,” said Boersma. “You can tell we love what we do because just how we feel when we’re working events so we just really wanted to do our best to showcase that feeling without sounding insincere.”  

Being featured as a business of L.A. that caters to clients all across L.A. County broadens Gina Bee Events’ horizons, but they will never forget where they came from, and where they still receive most of their business. 

“We love Santa Clarita and while we are all over in L.A. and everything, Santa Clarita is our home,” said Boersma. “We’re just so grateful for it, so we don’t forget our roots.” 

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