News release
Dirk Marks has announced his candidacy for the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency board of directors, Division 2.
Marks is a retired water resources engineer/manager with more than 40 years of private and public sector experience planning, designing acquiring and administrating water management programs. The past 14 years he has worked managing and securing water supplies for the Santa Clarita Valley.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from California State University Long Beach. After seven years in the private engineering consulting business, he joined the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, where he specialized in the administration and financial management of its 2 million acre-foot per year State Water Project contract.
In 2008, he relocated to the Santa Clarita Valley to take the position of water resources manager at Castaic Lake Water Agency and in 2018 became the director of water resources at the new Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency. During this time he has brought groundwater banking programs on line that are providing about 35% of the region’s water supply. This is allowing SCV Water to meet the twin challenges of groundwater contamination and severe drought, according to a statement released by Marks’ campaign.
He is running for SCV Water board because he has a passion for the agency’s mission to provide the entire service area with safe, clean, reliable water supplies, the statement said, adding that he takes that mission very seriously and has worked tirelessly to achieve it.
After his recent retirement, he is pursuing this opportunity to continue to serve his community on the board of directors.
Marks and his wife live in the SCV and have been long-time supporters of Santa Clarita Family Promise.