A Saugus High School student was transported to a nearby hospital for medical treatment Tuesday morning, according to William S. Hart Union High School Superintendent Mike Kuhlman.
One patient was transported to a nearby hospital for medical assistance after a medical emergency on the 21900 block of Centurion Way, according to Giovanni Sanchez, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Fire officials received the call at approximately 11:22 a.m.Â
According to a source in the Hart district, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly on the matter, the student consumed an overdose of Tylenol.
Kaitlyn Aldana, a representative for the public information office of the Fire Department, said the one patient was transported by ambulance at approximately 11:38 a.m.Â
Kuhlman confirmed that a Saugus High School student was transported and being treated at a nearby hospital. The cause of the medical emergency and the health status of the student were unavailable as of publication of this article.
According to Kuhlman, the district is unable to disclose information regarding a student’s health status.