SCV Water awarded transparency certificate

SCV Water logo
SCV Water Agency logo. Courtesy

The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency has renewed its District Transparent Certificate from the Special District Leadership Foundation — which will stay in effect for three years.  

SDL is an independent nonprofit that promotes “good governance and best practices among California’s special districts through certification, accreditation, and other recognition programs,” according to the agency’s news release.  

“To maintain the Transparency Certificate of Excellence is a testament to our commitment to  

transparency and open government to the community we serve,” Matt Stone, general manager for SCV Water, said in the statement. “Our staff is to be applauded for their dedication to ensuring the public has access to agency information, facilitating engagement and oversight, and remaining accountable.”  

To receive or renew the award, a special district must demonstrate transparency compliance in the following areas: 

• General: Essential governance transparency includes items such as: conducting ethics  

training for all board members, properly conducting open and public meetings, and filing  

financial transactions and compensation reports to the State Controller promptly. 

• Outreach: A commitment to regular communications that keep the public, constituents, and  

elected officials up to date on agency activities. This includes notifications for filing deadlines  

for upcoming board elections and notifying constituents about public hearings for the budget  

adoption process.  

• Website: Providing constituents and stakeholders with access to information about agency  

activities, including items such as the agency’s service area and functions; board meeting  

schedules; board member pictures, biographies and terms of office; and reimbursement  

and compensation policies. 

The SDL is scheduled to reevaluate SCV Water in 2025.  

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