Hart district slated to discuss $2 million grant 


The William S. Hart Union High School District governing board is slated Wednesday night to receive information from its advisory committee to honor law enforcement and possibly approve several action items, which include a $2 million grant, elimination of several classified employee positions, and a new bell schedule for Canyon and Golden Valley high schools. 

According to the Hart district’s agenda, Superintendent Mike Kuhlman will share feedback from the advisory committee to honor law enforcement, first responders and the military with the board of trustees.  

The committee was formed after the Thin Blue Line flag controversy. Through the many and lengthy discussions on the matter, there was a consensus that the community wanted to introduce ways to honor law enforcement.  

Under the action items listed on the agenda, the board will take a vote on a resolution, which would authorize the termination of certain classified positions, whose funding has expired or is no longer required because of a lack of work. 

In addition, the board will consider approval of a $2 million grant from the California Strong Work Force K12 grant. The money would be used to promote inclusive access for Hart district students to college and career readiness opportunities such as hands-on-experience, field trips and more, according to the agenda.  

Lastly, the board will consider approval of a new bell schedule for the 2023-24 school year at Canyon High School and Golden Valley High School. Certificated faculty at both sites approved these bell schedules and district staff will present them to the board for consideration and approval.  

According to the agenda, the new bell schedule would include a late start Friday. Classes would begin sometime after 9 a.m. 

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