PHOTOS: Corvette Club helps out SCV Food Pantry at bi-annual food drive

Linda Jenkins, right, accepts food donations from shoppers for the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry as the Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club hosts the bi-annual food drive at Sam's Club in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 061723. Dan Watson/The Signal

The Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry recently paired up with the Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club at their bi-annual food drive, held last week at Sam’s Club. For information on future events or how to donate, call 661-255-5001 or email [email protected].

Classic Corvettes are on display near the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry truck as the Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club hosts the bi-annual food drive at Sam’s Club in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 061723. Dan Watson/The Signal
Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club member Bud Jenkins, left, and Kary Simon of the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry load a third truck with donated food during the Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club’s bi-annual food drive at Sam’s Club in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 061723. Dan Watson/The Signal
Marcia Stern, center, and Linda Jenkins, right, accept donations for the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry as the Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club hosts the bi-annual food drive at Sam’s Club in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 061723. Dan Watson/The Signal
Marcia Stern, right, accepts food donations from shoppers, Carrie and Jim Cashman, for the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry as the Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club hosts the bi-annual food drive at Sam’s Club in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 061723. Dan Watson/The Signal

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