City accepting submissions for Central Park Youth Grove 

The city of Santa Clarita is now accepting names for the Youth Grove in Central Park. This project honors Santa Clarita youth, aged 24 years and younger, who have tragically lost their lives in traffic-related incidents. Courtesy photo.
The city of Santa Clarita is now accepting names for the Youth Grove in Central Park. This project honors Santa Clarita youth, aged 24 years and younger, who have tragically lost their lives in traffic-related incidents. Courtesy photo.

News release 

The city of Santa Clarita is now accepting names for the Youth Grove in Central Park. This project honors Santa Clarita youth, aged 24 years and younger, who have tragically lost their lives in traffic-related incidents. Youth must have lived in the Santa Clarita Valley or attended a local school to be considered for addition to the memorial. 

The Youth Grove is a half-acre public memorial supported by the city of Santa Clarita. It started as a grassroots effort to raise awareness about safe and responsible driving. The memorial serves as a place of reflection on the devastating impact of drinking and driving, as well as reckless and distracted driving, according to a news release from the city. 

The Youth Grove currently has 119 pillars shaped like cut tree stumps, representing 119 young lives cut short due to fatal traffic incidents. Each pillar is inscribed with a plaque bearing the youth’s name. These pillars encircle a central monument that urges the community to “Know More” about safe driving practices and to pledge that “No More” young lives will be lost behind the wheel. 

To have a name included in the Youth Grove for the annual Evening of Remembrance event on Wednesday, Aug. 28, a parent must submit a signed release form by Friday, July 12. 

To find the form or for more information about the Youth Grove, visit or contact Gabby Vera at 661-250-3708 or  

Central Park is located at 27150 Bouquet Canyon Road. 

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