Granada Hills man faces multiple felony counts in domestic violence case  

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The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station. Courtesy of the city of Santa Clarita.

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies investigated and arrested a man accused of terrorizing his ex-girlfriend on multiple occasions who was charged with 10 felony counts, one of which involved the victim’s pet.  

The man was released on bail two days later, according to Sheriff’s Department and court records. 

After multiple allegations, deputies sought an arrest warrant for Miguel “Mike” Angel Miramontes, a 41-year-old Granada Hills man, who previously had been in an eight-month relationship with the victim, according to court records. 

The two ended their eight-month relationship after multiple incidents of domestic violence, according to the victim’s statements in court records. 

The problems that led to SCV Sheriff’station deputies seeking a warrant began around 3:30 a.m. May 4, according to court records, when the woman’s ex-boyfriend showed up at her home after an early-morning phone call. 
He demanded to see the victim’s dog, and when the victim refused, he pounded on her windows and then let her know in a second phone call that he knew where her cars were parked, according to the detective’s report of the incident. 

After hearing what sounded like glass breaking in the parking lot, the victim walked out and saw the windshields of both her cars were smashed and there were multiple dents, totaling more than $8,500 in damage, according to the police report of the incident. Deputies noted there were no security cameras in the apartment complex’s parking lot.  

Officers filed a second stalking and vandalism report June 9, after a witness who was leaving the victim’s Lyons Avenue residence in the early morning hours reported seeing Miramontes scratching the victim’s cars. 

The man told detectives he confronted the suspect, who “did not appear to care,” according to the witness, who reported seeing the suspect leave the parking lot, according to a deputy’s account of the incident.  

The witness called the Sheriff’s Station and reported the incident, as well as the victim’s concerns about the unwanted phone calls and visits she’s received. During the deputy’s investigation of the incident, the witness of the second parking lot incident identified the suspect from a picture on the victim’s phone, according to the report.  

About eight days later, the seriousness of the incidents escalated, according to court records.  

The victim was again attacked in the early morning hours by her ex, according to a station deputy’s report of the allegation, which stated the suspect entered the victim’s SUV on the passenger’s side while she was parked outside her apartment. 

The victim reported that Miramontes took her keys and wallet, punched her in the face multiple times after a struggle and then left the scene, according to the victim’s report in court records. The victim was treated for injuries to her face by medical personnel from the local fire station, according to the deputy who reported the incident. 

Around 2 a.m. July 14, the victim reported the suspect had broken into her home through a rear window while the victim was watching television with her dog, according to a deputy’s report of the incident. 

The victim ran out of her home in fear, trying to get help from a neighbor, according to the victim’s account in the deputy’s report, which stated the suspect caught up with the victim and punched and kicked her multiple times. 

The victim also claimed the suspect used pepper spray on her and her dog to prevent them from defending themselves, and that the suspect had grabbed her by the hair and dragged her while she was on the ground to the exit of the apartment complex, until a neighbor intervened and Miramontes ran away, according to the deputy’s report in court records. 

The victim was treated for abdominal injuries and face contusions at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, according to the report.  

On July 17, SCV Sheriff’s Station deputies filed a Ramey warrant for Miramontes, which called for his arrest prior to the filing of charges based on the evidence deputies submitted. 

Miramontes ultimately was taken into custody. 

Based on the allegations, deputies requested $450,000 bail for Miramontes, and using information from their investigation, Miramontes was arrested July 23.  

He was in court Thursday for an initial appearance, but the court records available online did not indicate his initial plea, and a representative from the L.A. County District Attorney’s office was not immediately available to confirm his plea.  

He was released after making bail around 2:30 a.m. Saturday, according to LASD custody records available online. 

He stands charged with: felony vandalism for the May 4 and June 9 reports; second-degree robbery for the June 17 report; first-degree attempted burglary for the June 23 allegation; domestic violence, robbery, illegal use of tear gas and cruelty to animals for the July 14 incident; another domestic violence charge for a July 17 incident; and bringing a controlled substance into jail, which happened on the day of his July 23 arrest. 

There was no information on his initial plea entered July 25. However, Miramontes is due back in court Aug. 16 for another hearing.  

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