Retired CHP officer hit with criminal threat, weapons charges  

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The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station. Courtesy of the city of Santa Clarita.

A local retired California Highway Patrol officer was arrested and later released on his own recognizance after law enforcement officials seized weapons from his home and prosecutors charged him with violating a court order, according to court records. 

Brian Timothy Powers, 42, of Castaic, is facing 10 charges in connection with Oct. 2 allegations leading to an arrest on suspicion of criminal threats and child-stealing, according to arrest and court records obtained by The Signal. 

Powers allegedly threatened his ex-wife, accusing her of costing him his job and his money, according to a witness statement referenced in a court order filed by Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station detectives seeking to seize Powers’ weapons. 

Powers is accused of taking the couple’s son in violation of pending orders and then calling his ex-wife and threatening her in front of her co-workers after showing up at her workplace, according to victim statements in court records cited by investigators. 

After Powers left her workplace, detectives found his vehicle at Lyons and Peachland avenues, where he ran from them, according to court records. 

A CHP official later contacted SCV Sheriff’s Station officials to inform them that Powers’ family indicated Powers had turned himself in for a medical evaluation after the incident, the court documents indicated.  

Sheriff’s deputies also learned Powers had 11 guns registered to his Castaic address, as well as a number of ghost guns that were assembled and not serialized, according to a warrant request filed in court.  

After his release from custody, the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office filed 10 charges against Powers, including criminal threats, an alleged violation of the custody order, four charges for possession of an assault weapon and four charges for “possession of an undetectable firearm.” 

Powers was arraigned Oct. 14 and pleaded not guilty on all charges. 

Superior Court Judge Bernie LaForteza in San Fernando’s Department S ordered Powers released on his own recognizance, which happened the following day, according to L.A. County Sheriff’s Department custody records available online. 

Powers is due back in court Nov. 19. 

SCV Sheriff’s Station officials offered a caution to residents and reminded them of the support available.  

“The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station takes threats of violence and child abduction seriously and is committed to ensuring the safety of every member of our community,” Deputy Robert Jensen said in an email Tuesday. “Do not ever hesitate to report something that doesn’t feel right, or looks suspicious.” 

Anyone looking for emergency domestic violence resources can call 661-259-8175.

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