News release
The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency recently completed a water service line inventory within its service area to document the material of the water service pipeline and fittings that come from the water meter to just outside of homes and businesses.
The inventory was conducted between March and mid-October 2024 and focused on homes built before 1987, as well as other customer groups.
“Conducting this inventory allowed us to get a detailed view of the connections within our service area and ensure our water systems compliance with the California and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s water quality requirements,” SCV Water Assistant General Manager Steve Cole said in a news release. “It is a significant milestone in our commitment to provide quality water to our community.”
The water service line inventory is a compliance requirement from the California and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. The LCRR protects the public’s drinking water from metals that can adversely affect public health.
Water systems throughout the United States (and approximately 4,000 water systems in California), including SCV Water, were required to conduct a water service line inventory, in addition to monitoring lead and copper levels at consumers’ taps.
“Lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful to human health even at low levels,” SCV Water Director of Operations and Maintenance Mike Alvord said in the release. “Our top priority is the health and safety of our community, as we continue to provide quality drinking water.”
During this project, SCV Water also took inventory of its own distribution system and was able to declare to the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water, California and U.S. EPA, that its system is free from any lead pipelines.
SCV Water encourages customers to engage with the interactive service line inventory map on its website. The map shows the current status of your service line material in SCV Water’s inventory. To view the map and see what materials are used in water laterals in your area, visit
SCV Water contracted with 120Water to collect the required information for the inventory, create a database, as well as a searchable and interactive map. If you would like to participate in SCV Water’s inventory, you can do so by visiting Your input is especially important if you have done a partial or complete re-pipe of the water service line from your water meter to just outside of your home or business. For more information, visit SCV Water’s Copper and Lead Rule page: