The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Foundation awarded the top three student teams from the William S. Hart Union High School District for their public service announcement videos about the harmful effects of consuming too much social media or being on your cell phone excessively.
A total of 24 videos were submitted by nine schools, but only three videos were selected, each from a different high school. The winners were recognized in a ceremony Wednesday at the SCV Sheriff’s Station.

Lt. Brandon Barclay presented the awards to the students of each team and said that these videos were important because they were peer-to-peer messaging about impactful topics.
“You hear from school administrators, you hear from the cops, sometimes you just need to hear it from your peers, and it will resonate,” said Barclay.
Tara Brown, assistant superintendent of student services for the district, announced the place of each team. The team to take first place for this topic was Valencia High School for their video, “A Walk to Nowhere.”
“Your PSA stood out for its emphasis on how isolating and lonely it is to always be on your cell phone and to always be on social media,” said Brown. “It can be very isolating and removes you from your family and friends … You created a truly impactful piece that has the potential to change perspectives and behaviors.”

The Valencia High School team was also awarded a $500 check to use toward audio and visual equipment.
“You are” was the second-place PSA video from Canyon High School. Brown said the production skillfully depicted the emotional impact of the unrealistic expectations that social media has on viewers’ body image.
Laniah Calhoun, a Canyon High School student, said that she had an overall great experience making the PSA video.
“This was my first time doing this PSA and I just had a lot of fun,” said Calhoun. “I feel like as a student, it is nice seeing other students come together to do something and speak up on problems that we all go through. I feel like it unites us all.”
Calhoun thanked the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation for the experience and opportunity to create a PSA about such an important topic to students.
Saugus High School took third place for their video, “The Bet.” The video focused on what it was like to go 24 hours without using your phone. At first the actor struggled and found it difficult to pass the time. After more time passed the actor found it liberating to be off the phone and experience new things.

Masis Hagobian, vice president of the SCV Sheriff’s Foundation, said these videos are so impactful because they were created by students for students.
“We applaud your guys’ effort,” said Hagobian.
The runners-up of the competition were Castaic High School, with a video submission that was untitled, Valencia High School for “Out of Time,” and West Ranch High School for “Phone.”