A wide swath of Southern California Edison customers from Piru to Sand Canyon remain without power due to another week of anticipated windstorms in the Santa Clarita Valley, weather officials said Monday.
Throughout the windstorms, SCE officials have declined to answer any specific questions about outages or power restoration, sending any frustrated customers able to reach someone by phone to an online map, which promises power to be restored midnight Thursday.
The messages on the map for most outages state the following:
“When fire conditions end, restoration is expected to take up to eight hours but could take longer if we need daylight for safe inspections or if we find damage,” according to the text on the SCE Public Safety Power Outage online center. “Note that this map will reflect ‘power off’ until all customers on your circuit segment have had their power restored.”
Some of the outages began around 3 a.m. Monday, as a Santa Ana wind event was expected to bring winds that threaten power lines and create a fire danger in dry, gusty conditions.
Jill Mellady, president and co-founder of Mellady Direct Marketing, expressed frustration at her operation’s second sudden lack of power in 48 hours, which she wasn’t warned about the second time, she said.
The outages affected her and dozens of other locations in a business park known as Guitar Circuit, she said, which is near the junction of Interstate 5 and Highway 126.
Her power was out Friday, then restored over the weekend, then went out again Monday, she said.
She didn’t understand how SCE expected businesses like hers to function when the power has gone out five times in the past two years, she said. The business has generators, but they require hours to set up and get going, and it’s still not really adequate for an operation their size.
While the situation isn’t close to the same as it is for the fire-affected areas, she said, thinking of those impacted, she also feels bad for employees she has to send home if there’s no work to be done.
“We won’t be in business if they don’t do something about it,” she added. What’s also frustrating, she said, is businesses just two blocks to the north toward Castaic have power, highlighting the seemingly arbitrary nature of the problem. Similar one-block-on, one-block-off outages were reported in Sand Canyon last week, as well.
SCE officials have said some of the outages are due to equipment failure; some are due to its Public Safety Power Shutoff program, or PSPS. The controversial PSPS program calls for the power to be turned off for customers in areas experiencing high winds as a way to prevent downed power lines from starting a brush fire.
Gabriela Ornelas, spokeswoman for SCE, said the winds are just one of several factors looked at in determining a PSPS outage, including the availability of fire fuel and the relative humidity.
“There are thresholds as far as wind speeds, vegetation, moisture levels that we are monitoring,” she said in a phone interview Monday. “Of course, once we see a combination reach a point where conditions are unsafe, that’s when we begin considering and implementing Public Safety Power Shut-off.”
Bryan Lewis, spokesman for the National Weather Service, said the “particularly dangerous situation,” or PDS, is forecast to carry on from Monday night into Wednesday morning, with 50 mph winds expected at lower altitudes, and 60-70 mph at higher altitudes.
The Red Flag Day warning was expected to be in effect through Wednesday evening, he said, which is likely why the power was expected to be restored on Thursday morning.
The greatest local risk for fire is expected in a corridor across the northern half of the SCV, from west of Piru along Highway 126 through Valencia, Saugus and all the way across to Canyon Country, and then around the southern rim of the SCV, where the Hurst Fire was starting to wind down as of Monday’s update, he said.
“It probably has to do with those wind speeds and humidities being really low in those specific areas,” Lewis said, adding, “and you know, in addition, we haven’t had any rain in the entire region, which is prompting the very serious conditions.”