SUSD approves construction extension for James Foster elementary building  

File photo of the Saugus Union School District.

The Saugus Union School District governing board has approved an extension on the construction window for the new two-story classroom building at James Foster Elementary School and has authorized an expansion of the project services.  

The new project services, approved by the board last week, will include upgrades to the fencing around the school, concrete and paving repairs at the front of the school to correct drainage issues, and shade structures in the play area.   

Nick Heinlein, assistant superintendent of business, presented the item to the board saying that the James Foster Elementary School project now consists of three separate projects.  

Heinlein said that the new change order would cover all the projects. According to the agenda item the extension was being requested as a result of unforeseen circumstances. 

The two-story classroom building at James Foster Elementary is now expected to be finished in the summer of this year and will feature 12 classrooms, a flex science lab, and a new playground with a basketball court and other marked activities.  

The original contract was approved by the governing board in February 2023 for 1,056 hours of project inspection over a six-month period at $104 per hour, totaling $109,824.   

The extension will be for 1,631 hours over a 12-month period at $120 per hour, costing an additional $195,720, revising the contract total to $305,544. It is being paid by developer fees. 

Katherine Cooper introduced a motion to approve the item; Christopher Trunkey seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.  

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