Michele Makes… Blackberries

In the Pacific Northwest, blackberries grow wild alongside the road. You can stop and pick blackberries until your heart’s content. Sadly, many people in the

Plumbing 101 Part 2

Ed. note: This story is the second in a two-part series looking at ways that homeowners can save big money on their plumbing appliances with

Fall SoCal Festivals

From Santa Clarita to Goleta, from Tehachapi to San Diego, there’s a festival waiting for you. Apples, lemons, avocados, art and music are all waiting

Plumbing 101

Ed. note: This story is the first in a two-part series looking at ways that homeowners can save big money on their plumbing appliances around

DNA searches: Swimming in your gene pool

Many people “know” their ethnic heritage. They’ve heard stories for years about how their grandparents or great-grandparents came from the “old” country to start their