Slices of gratitude well received


A troop of women donning midnight black medical scrubs supplied lunch to two of the Santa Clarita Valley’s law enforcement stations Monday morning.

The group of Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital emergency department nurses banded together to make a statement, carrying boxes and bags of Jersey Mike’s turkey sandwiches into the belly of the Newhall CHP station.

Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital nurses carry boxes of sandwiches through the hallway of the Newhall CHP station Monday morning. Austin Dave/The Signal

Each grinning ear-to-ear, the women assembled in the lunchroom and presented several hungry officers with their token of appreciation.

“We came together to support our local law enforcement,” one nurse said. “We want to thank them for everything they do for us and our community.”

The message and the treats were well received.

“I think it’s refreshing,” said CHP Officer Josh Greengard.

Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital nurses embrace two CHP officers at the Newhall station Monday. Austin Dave/The Signal
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital nurses embrace two CHP officers at the Newhall station Monday. Austin Dave/The Signal

“You see people come in from the community and the small gratitude of sandwiches and cookies goes a long way with the officers.”

The women departed the CHP station after a few moments and headed for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.

Flanked by blue-colored signs spelling out “Nurses Got Your 6IX,” referring to an old armed forces system where directions were based on the hours of a traditional clock.

“We want to support them and let them know we have their back,” one of the nurses said.

Sheriff's Lt. Rob Hahnlein shakes hands with a Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital nurse in the breakroom of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station Monday. Austin Dave/The Signal
Sheriff’s Lt. Rob Hahnlein shakes hands with a Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital nurse in the breakroom of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Monday. Austin Dave/The Signal

The medical staff was greeted by the station’s watch commander, who is responsible for units patrolling the valley.

“It’s nice to see based on what’s going on here in the nation and around the world,” said sheriff’s Lt. Rob Hahnlein.

“It boosts the moral of all the deputies here.”

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