Recently, I met Delorean Robinson and his sweet family to discuss his military service and I have to say, his story is one of the most unique of all 28 Veterans I’ve interviewed to date. While talking with Delorean, and yes he is named after that famous 1970’s automobile, he came across just as old school as his name signifies.
Life in the South Side
Delorean was born August 19, 1991 in the south side of Chicago, Illinois where he spent his early years. He attended several high schools but graduated from Joliette Central High School in May 2009. Throughout high school he worked at a local barbershop. Much of his youth was spent growing up in a dangerous gang infested environment where he managed to survive despite being shot at on two occasions. Delorean kept his nose clean as he knew having a strong work ethic and obtaining a good education was his route towards a successful life.
Instant Infatuation
Many of Delorean’s family members served in the military and he felt it was in his genes as well, so during high school at age 16 he signed up for the Marine Corps’ delayed entry program. After high school, Delorean entered the USMC on October 4, 2010. But prior to enlisting he met his future wife, Margima Monaco at Kohl’s parking lot in the North side of Chicago. Delorean thinks it could have been a Target parking lot, so Margima must continually straighten him out on that. It’s an ongoing family gag. Delorean says that when he saw her, he was instantly infatuated by her beauty and her grace and they began dating right away. It was love at first sight. Instead of popping the big question, he gently slipped a ring onto her finger as she slept and when she awoke she was stunned and overwhelmed with joy. They were married September 9, 2011 in Fairfax, Virginia.

Lie Detection
While attending the USMC jobs school at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, a Marine 1 Presidential helicopter arrived on three separate occasions as a tool for recruiting security personnel to protect our President. Though Delorean was drawn to the infantry in Afghanistan, he was fascinated with the potential of serving with Marine 1 and wondered if he could even qualify. He was asked three times to submit an application and on the 3rd request he applied. He passed the academics and physical tests, but it was the lie detection test that really grabbed his attention. It was intense and he felt like a criminal. As Delorean entered the test room in full US Marine Corps protocol he noticed that he was soon surrounded by a room full of senior NCO’s, senior officers and a White House aid. They peppered him with one question after the next and of 75 candidates Delorean was one of 7 who qualified.
In July 2011, Delorean flew to Washington D.C. and then to Quantico, Virginia, where he filled out a 100 page questionnaire beginning the process
of obtaining a top secret clearance.
Following receipt of his top secret clearance, Delorean went through another 4 months of field training, including flying on Marine 1, rope repelling, active shooting and POTUS evacuation scenarios, and he trained with secret service officers. The training was intense and Delorean acknowledged that this service was paramount to our Nation’s security and included taking a bullet for our President if necessary. In December 2013, Delorean was promoted to Corporal and his training was never ending as he became certified in Martial Arts and handling explosives, etc.
August 2015, he was promoted to
Sergeant E-5.
During his 4 years serving with Marine 1, he had over 50 assignments with zero incidents protecting President Barack Obama, though several critical security issues evolved but were promptly marginalized. While serving at Quantico, he and Margima had one son and one daughter. Delorean ultimately served 5 years in the United States Marine Corps and he was honorably discharged October 24, 2015. His military awards include Naval Achievement Award, Good Conduct Medal, Anti Terrorism Medal, Presidential Service Badge, Joint Meritorious Unit Award, National Defense Service Medal, and Defense Superior Service Medal.
Head of Security
After departing the Marine Corps, Delorean moved his young family to San Antonio, Texas where he worked six months with Child Protective Services but yearning for larger pay checks, they moved to Los Angeles. Currently, Delorean is head of security providing personal and assets protection for a wealthy video game designer. Delorean also attends College of the Canyons seeking a science degree. He, Margima and their two lovely children moved to Canyon Country in April 2016 and they are dedicated to achieving the American Dream right here in the City of
Santa Clarita.