In today’s world there is so much bad news I thought I would share some good news. Christmas is a time for giving. It is a time to think about others and not ourselves. Many people easily get side tracked and forget what the true meaning of Christmas is and what it means to have the Christmas Spirit.

Every year Afterburn Fitness located in Valencia, puts up a Christmas Giving Tree where members and staff can pick an item off the tree and donate it to a local charity. This year owners, Tony and Allison Velasco, as well as the manager Adam Hatley, decided to help out The Santa Clarita Domestic Violence Center.
Over 150 items have been collected and were delivered to women and children on Monday December 19. There were numerous requests for gifts like toys, dishes, gift cards for fun places to take their children and simple things like gift cards for haircuts.
A member at Afterburn Fitness Shannon Traweek, who is also a hairdresser at Tresor Salon located in Santa Clarita, decided to talk to the owner of the salon Linda Brierly and put together “A Day at the Salon.” The salon was opened on a Monday where hairdressers donated their time and talent to give anyone from The SCV Domestic Violence Center free services.
Together Tresor Salon, alongside Afterburn Fitness who provided healthy snacks and drinks all day for salon goers were able to give these women and children “A Day At The Salon” and make them feel beautiful inside and out. Everyone deserves to feel beautiful. Two entirely separate and different businesses, two separate business owners who came together to help people in need in our very own community. If that is not The Christmas Spirit I don’t know what else it could be.
I am beyond proud and honored to be a member of The Afterburn Fitness family and so grateful and inspired by the members who also work at Tresor salon. There is no better gift than the gift of giving, after all that is what Christmas is all about.