Soledad Canyon Road will be better able to accommodate traffic patterns and increase traffic flow, the City of Santa Clarita announced Monday.
A new dynamic lane, which will be implemented later in April, will be the first of its kind in Santa Clarita and seeks to increase the number of vehicles that can pass through during peak traffic hours.
“Traffic flow changes throughout the day,” Traffic Signal System Administrator Cesar Romo said in a statement. “The dynamic lane is an example of how we can use data and technology to be responsive to changing patterns and improve traffic conditions on our streets.”
Data shows more cars drive straight than turn right during certain hours of the day, Romo said.
The road will be modified to include a dynamic lane at the intersection of Soledad Canyon and Sierra Highway going eastbound. Depending on the time of day and amount of traffic, the lane will become either exclusively right-turn only or a shared through and right-turn lane.
During weekday evenings, the lane will become a combination through lane and a right-turn lane. At all other times, it will be right-turn only.
Electronic signs will be installed in between Vilna Avenue and Sierra Highway.
Past changes to the Soledad and Sierra intersection include adding a northbound left turn lane on Soledad, southbound striping and the installation of a rubber median.
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