While the annual sunrise service had all of the traditional elements of an Easter message, this celebration was a bit different than other services.
Dozens of actors put on a live reenactment and told the story of Jesus Christ with the backdrop of an early morning sunrise and the iconic Vasquez Rocks.
“Right when we walked up, we felt like we time traveled,” said Ciera Brennan.

This special service was put on by five local churches in the Agua Dulce/Acton area and has developed into a 23-year-old tradition.
“We’ve been coming up here for years,” said Yliana Lucero. “Even though we’ve seen the performance many times before, it just touches us and brightens our day.”
Attendees wake up well before the crack of dawn to be at the rocks before 5 a.m. for the show and service.

“People come from all over to watch this because it’s different,” Brennan said.
Stan Horst has worked the event and seen its growth over the past 10 years. He explained that he enjoyed seeing scripture come to life and bring people together.
“You can feel a lot of emotion from the performance because everything feels so real,” he said.
“It’s quite a community effort.”