Caforio officially announces candidacy for 25th Congressional District

Bryan Caforio speaks in front of constituents before his official announcement to run for the 25th Congressional District seat last year. Samie Gebers/The Signal

Bryan Caforio officially announced his candidacy for California’s 25th Congressional District on Saturday during a celebration at Laborers International Union in Palmdale.

Caforio ran against Congressman Steve Knight in 2016, but Knight won with about 53.1 percent.

“After the election, it just kind of felt like the wind, the energy was taken out of the community (and) the country,” Caforio said. “It was a depressing time period.”

Bryan Caforio and his wife Lisa Caforio pose for a selfie with the crowd at Laborers International Union in Palmdale on Saturday. Samie Gebers/The Signal

Over 100 supporters attended the announcement, some expressing frustration with Knight’s representation of the district.

“I’m very unhappy with the way that Steve Knight votes,” Newhall resident Stevenson Herskovitz said. “That health care plan is totally wrong.”

Campaign manager Nicole DeMont expressed hope for a better result after the next round of elections due to the fact that support for the candidate is already in place.

“Congressional races are tough,” DeMont said. “Bryan has name recognition now. There’s an enormous amount of energy and it’s different than last time.”

“We decided now the time is right to just get in there and keep building on what we already did,” Caforio said.

Constituents from the 25th Congressional District gather to support Bryan Caforio and his candidacy announcement at Laborers International Union in Palmdale on Saturday. Samie Gebers/The Signal
Bryan Caforio, right, greets 25th Congressional District Constituent Pharaoh Mitchell at Laborers International Union in Palmdale on Saturday. Samie Gebers/The Signal

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