Newhall Board to discuss LCAP and facilities updates

The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal
The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal

During Tuesday’s meeting, members of the Newhall School District Governing Board are expected to discuss updates to the district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and ongoing facilities improvements.

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Focused on state and local priorities, the LCAP presents goals, actions, services and expenditures to support student achievement.  The accountability system is created by involving stakeholders and community input in the planning process.

The district’s new LCAP plan for 2017 to 2020 is expected to be reviewed and approved by the board at its June 27 meeting before being reviewed by the Los Angeles County Office of Education in July.

Each LCAP plan must include eight state priorities that are: Basic Services, Implementation of State Standards, Parental Involvement, Student Achievement, Student Engagement, School Climate, Course Access and Other Student Outcomes.

In the 2016-17 year, the district said its greatest achievements with the LCAP were its increases in math achievement.

“As a system, our greatest progress has been in math achievement, English Learner efforts and Response to Intervention improvements,” the LCAP report read.

Changes to the math program, professional development efforts among teachers, the implementation of math coaches in the district and access to an online tutorial have reduced the achievement gap for English Learner students, according to the district.

For English Learners, the district created a committee to conduct a needs assessment and created the first strategic English Learner plan in the district.  It also conducted professional development, piloted and selected new curriculum materials and refined its progress monitoring of students.

This past year, the district also evaluated and revamped its Response to Intervention (RTI) program to ensure that its “investment in additional learning time is yielding maximum benefits for students.”

Using the new California School Dashboard, the district identified its performance gaps and areas of improvement in the future.

According to the agenda item, these include suspension data for student subgroups and English Learner progress across district sites.

The district also made note of its parent engagement, with a cumulative event attendance, volunteer hours, fundraising and fall conference attendance.

Quarterly Facilities Update

The governing board is also expected to hear an update on the district’s facilities improvements and renovations.

Using Measure E funding, the district was able to completely renovate the Newhall Auditorium that is currently in its final stages of completion.  The district was also able to construct a fence at Old Orchard Elementary and complete a classroom project at Peachland Elementary School.

Over the summer, the district will use Measure E funds to paint Old Orchard buildings and repave of the staff parking lot, renovate older classrooms and paint the exterior of the campus at Peachland.

In the future, the district is also planning on completing projects at its schools that include re-carpeting, repaving play yards, slurry sealing and striping play yards and parking lots, repairing roofs, replacing windows and possibly installing fences at various sites.

The district said it is also in the planning stages for its “Priority 2” projects under Measure E that will have between $9 million and $16 million in funding, depending on new construction eligibility and state regulations for the bond.

State Budget

Governing board members are also expected to review California Gov. Jerry Brown’s May Revise to his proposed budget which was released on May 11.

The budget reflects an “improved fiscal outlook” for the following year and includes the elimination of a deferral proposed in January, an increase in LCFF gap funding percentages, an increase in the cost of living adjustment, an increase in one-time mandate reimbursement funding and an increase to the state preschool reimbursement.

Additional Agenda Items:

  • Hear from three site administrators about their work with Center for Education Leadership
  • Conduct first reading of board policy: Civility
  • Conduct first reading of revised board policies: Sexual Harassment; Environmental Safety; Hazardous Substances; Disruptions; Firearms on School Grounds; Transportation; Transportation Routes and Services; Transportation for School-Related Operations; Transportation for Students with Disabilities; School Bus Drivers; Transportation Safety and Emergencies; Dress & Grooming; Discipline; Suspension & Expulsion/Due Process; and Comprehensive Safety Plan
  • Conduct a discussion regarding district site safety
  • Discuss a potential special board meeting to discuss the installation of a fence at Valencia Valley
  • Approve change orders for the Newhall Elementary Auditorium renovation and ratifying contract changes exceeding 10 percent to Harik Construction, Bravo Concrete and IES Commercial
  • Conduct a public hearing about an increase in statutory school fees imposed on new residential and commercial/industrial construction and approve a resolution to increase the fee

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On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_

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