WiSH Education Foundation donates more than $50,000 to Hart District

WiSH Foundation Executive Director Amy Daniels works with students in the Girls Who Code program at Rio Norte Junior High School which was funded by the WiSH Education Foundation this year. Courtesy of the Hart District

This year the WiSH Education Foundation directed nearly $52,000 to William S. Hart Union High School District programs, the foundation announced Tuesday.

Every school within the Hart District benefits from WiSH funding, which supports programs and initiatives in the district that are not funded by tax dollars alone.

Programs supported by the foundation’s funds this year include: literacy, STEM equipment, special education, MakerSpace projects, athletic trainer programs and music programs, among others.

WiSH Foundation Executive Director Amy Daniels (right) presents a check worth $2,500 to the Hart District to support its Special Education and Adult Transition program. Courtesy of the Hart District

The WiSH Education Foundation raises money for the district’s programs though individual donations, event tickets and special funders, including Boston Scientific, Zonta International, the city of Santa Clarita and the Santa Clarita Walmart.

These funds have allowed WiSH to grow bigger each year and impact 23,000 students in grades 7 to 12.

Upcoming WiSH events include the 18th Annual Burrito Bowl on Aug. 22 and the third annual Cocktails on the Roof event Aug. 25 with its pre-event party at TPC’s Oaks Grill on Aug. 17.

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