Newhall Board to form foundation for Family Theater

The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal
The Newhall School District Office. Dan Watson/The Signal

The Newhall Family Theater for the Performing Arts will soon have the backing of a non-profit organization to support and enhance the theater at Newhall Elementary School.

Named the “Raising the Curtain Foundation,” the non-profit foundation will “work to provide experiences within the Performance Arts that educate, nurture, and inspire the students and surrounding community.”

The formation of the 501(c)(3) and its bylaws are expected to be reviewed and approved by the Newhall School District Governing Board during its regular meeting Tuesday.

According to the board agenda, the Raising the Curtain Foundation will solicit, manage and disburse voluntary contributions to provide general financial support for the Newhall Family Theater.

It is also expected to be governed by a five-member Board of Directors who will each serve four-year terms.  The foundation’s board will meet the first and third Tuesday each month and will elect its officers and oversee the foundation’s rules and regulations.

The Newhall Governing Board is also expected to review and approve the Theater’s User Guide, Rental Fees, Application for Facility Use and Rental Agreement during its meeting.

Rental costs for the theater were determined using comparative rates from the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center at College of the Canyons and the William S. Hart Union High School District, according to the agenda item.

California School Dashboard

The Governing Board is also expected to review the district’s metrics for its Local Performance Indicators on the California School Dashboard.

These local indicators are based on information that educational agencies, like the Newhall District, collect and report to the State Board of Education.

Local Indicators on the Dashboard include: basic services, implementation of state academic standards, parent engagement and school climate.

The Newhall District plans to evaluate basic services using Williams documentation and School Accountability Report Cards (SARC’s).

To evaluate implementation of state standards, it plans to use the state reflection tool administered with Curriculum Council, EL Committee, Writing Committee, Science Committee and ADCO.

To evaluate parent engagement, the district plans to use School Effectiveness Survey Indicators in LCAP, LCAP Stakeholder Meetings, DELAC Meetings, GDAC Meetings, volunteer hours, parent participation at conferences, Site Council meetings.

And to evaluate school climate, it plans to use the California Health Kids Survey LCAP Indicators.

Measure E Projects

During Tuesday’s meeting, the Governing Board is also expected to review several Measure E contracts, change orders and projects.

The board is also expected to hear a summary of projects from Helena Jubany with NAC Architecture.

Board members are expected to approve change orders for the Newhall Elementary Auditorium Renovation, resulted in an increased cost to Measure E funds of $7,288.38.

These change orders and contract changes are expected to be approved for J Noble Binns Plumbing, IES Commercial, RDM Electric, Harik Construction, Climatec and SSI Salco for various work at the Newhall Elementary Auditorium site.

The board is also expected to accept a summary of final fees from NAC Architecture for the 2-Story Classroom Project at Newhall Elementary School and the Project at Peachland Elementary School.

Following negotiations with NAC Architecture, the district earned a credit totaling $105,000 for the projects’ costs.  This resulted in current balances for the projects totaling $19,715.29, with $8,772.37 for the Peachland Elementary Project and  $10,942.92 for the Newhall Elementary Project.

Finally, the Governing Board is expected to approve a request for additional services from NAC Architecture for the Old Orchard Elementary Measure E Project.

The project, totaling $4,797, was for architectural and engineering services for 11 exterior light poles that will provide security at the playfield hardscape areas.

Consent Calendar

  • Conduct a second reading of revised board policies: Independent Study; Revision Role of the Board; Organization; Attorney; Board Bylaws
  • Approve 2017-18 Single Plan for Student Achievement for Pico Canyon Elementary School
  • Approve Amendment 01 to the contract with the California Department of Education for Child Development Services for 2017-18
  • Approve Collaboration Solutions Inc professional development contract for SMART Board training
  • Award big for ornamental iron and chain link fencing at Meadows and Newhall Elementary Schools to Western Fencing & Supply, Inc. dba Pilgrim Fence and at Pico Canyon Elementary School to Fence Corp

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