Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital to host film screening on maternal health

Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital.

An estimated one in seven mothers struggles with maternal mental health issues, according to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital.

To help inform the Santa Clarita Valley community of this hidden epidemic and share resources for maternal support, Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital will host an event about maternal health Jan. 15.

“It’s becoming something that we do see on a regular basis and we want to make sure the community is educated about it and know where to go for help,” said Joelle Beigel, marketing specialist for Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital.  “

The event will include a screening of “When The Bough Breaks,” a documentary about Maternal Mental Health issues and a panel discussion with the film’s producer, Lindsay Gerszt.

“The [event] is mainly about postpartum depression and it’s just a documentary about that topic,” Beigel said.

Through this screening and discussion, the hospital hopes to spread the importance of maternal mental health and provide those in need with resources and support in the community.

The maternal mental health event will be held Jan. 15 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Education Rooms 4-7 at the Henry Mayo Center, located at 23803 McBean Parkway.

The event is free and open to the public, however, attendees must RSVP because the hospital will be providing attendees with refreshments.

To RSVP for the workshop, visit henrymayo.com/WTBB or call 661-200-1311.

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