Local Girl Scout creates mobile game carts for three SUSD schools

Girl Scout Alex Karpp of Troop 8722, center, stands with her family and Saugus Union School District Governing Board members at a board meeting honoring her for her Silver Award Project on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2018. Christina Cox/The Signal

Valencia freshman Alex Karpp chose to use her Girl Scout Silver Award to benefit three schools in the Saugus Union School District.

As part of her Silver Award Project, the Senior Girl Scout chose to create mobile game and activity carts for students to use when they are unable to play on the playground due to injuries or other reasons.

“It’s a cart that had board games on it for people who had special needs or were injured they could play and we had crafts for them to do,” Karpp said.

Karpp said she chose to pursue this project because of her own love of board games and her personal connection to the district as a graduate of North Park Elementary.

“I was searching for ideas of what to do and then I thought that would be good for me since I like board games,” she said.

The project then spread to three SUSD schools—Bridgeport, North Park and Rosedell—that all implemented the game and activity carts on their campuses.

“This is a project she had been working on for another school and she found a way to help our school,” Rosedell Elementary School Principal Kathy Stendel said at Tuesday’s Governing Board meeting honoring Karpp.

Overall, it took Karpp more than 50 hours to complete the project for the three Saugus district schools.

“The principals were excited about it,” Karpp said.

As she moves toward her Girl Scout Gold Award, Karpp said she hopes to continue using her ability to serve others by raising and training a service dog.

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