City Council to vote on Plum Canyon annexation

The Proposed map for the Plum Canyon Annexation from the city Planning Commission.

The Santa Clarita City Council will vote on the Plum Canyon annexation at its next meeting on April 24.

The annexation was unanimously approved by the Santa Clarita Planning Commission on March 20, and would add roughly 3,118 acres of land to the city, said associate city planner Hai Nguyen.

The Plum Canyon Annexation Area, is currently part of Los Angeles County’s jurisdiction, Nguyen said. If approved, the annexation would add three independent areas to the city; Plum Canyon, Skyline Ranch and North Sand Canyon.

The largest section of the annexation is the Skyline Ranch area, an area already approved to be developed in 2010 by the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission.

“This area was one we’ve been looking at for quite some time,” Nguyen said about the annexation.

The planned development of the Skyline Ranch includes 1,220 residential units, 25 open space lots, 10 park lots and one public school lot, Nguyen said.

Most of the area of Plum Canyon is still vacant and undeveloped, while North Sand Canyon is already a residential area.

If City Council approves the annexation of all three areas, it will go to the Local Agency Formation Commission for approval, said senior planner Patrick Leclair.

The city’s finance group found the annexation project would be revenue-neutral, meaning it would bring in money to pay for the cost of services within that area, Leclair said.

Members of the area were surveyed to determine the general interest in being annexed, according to previous Signal reporting. Of the approximate 2,138 property owners surveyed, 14 percent responded. Seventy-seven percent of respondents, or about 230 property owners, supported the annexation; while 11 percent did not support it; and 12 percent needed more information, according to the supporting document.

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