Santa Clarita celebrates the ‘Taste of the Town’ fundraiser

Community members enjoy food and drinks at the Taste of the Town event in Valencia. Georgia Rios/The Signal

Set in the gardens of the Southern California Innovation Park, residents from all across the Santa Clarita Valley convened to eat, drink and enjoy live music at the 30th annual Taste of the Town fundraiser.

Community members enjoy food and drinks at the Taste of the Town event in Valencia. Georgia Rios/The Signal

The fundraiser was hosted by the Child and Family Center, a local center where children, adults and families can receive services for mental health and substance abuse as well as behavioral education.

“We receive a lot of government grants through the county to provide mental health and substance use services, but there’s only so much that these grants actually cover, so for those things that aren’t covered, we end up going out after foundational grants or fundraising,” explained Joan Aschoff, CEO of the Child and Family Center. “So this is by far our largest fundraise that allows us to have our funds to deliver on our mission which is to provide services in education and prevention to children and families in our communities.”

Joan Aschoff, CEO of the Child and Family Center, smiles with friends at the Taste of the Town event. Georgia Rios/THe Signal

Over 40 local restaurants and caterers lined the park to let attendees line up to try a large variety of foods, wine and beers.

“I’ve been coming to this event for over 30 years, since it’s started. This is probably one of the nicest places where you can go and meet people who are contributors in the community, that give their heart, money and soul to the community and all of the charities that we support out here,” told Tim Shaner, Santa Clarita resident.

Community members enjoy food and drinks at the Taste of the Town event in Valencia. Georgia Rios/The Signal

Recently the Child and Family Center merged with the Domestic Violence Center, making the fundraiser that much more imperative in receiving funds so that they can provide ‘a full continuous service’ to the community.

Councilwoman Marsha Mclean, Assemblyman Dante Acosta and State Senator Scott Wilk also attended the event talking with community members and enjoying the food and drinks.

Councilwoman Marsha McLean and friends at the Taste of the Town event. Georgia Rios/The Signal
Assemblyman Dante Acosta enjoys the Taste of the Town event with friends in Valencia. Georgia Rios/The Signal

“It’s a great opportunity to come out and mingle with people from our community, enjoy great much and fantastic food. All the food, and wine are all local community restaurants and vendors out here, so it gives them the opportunity to showcase what they have and everyone to enjoy it” said Cheryl Jones, vice president of marketing and community outreach for the Child and Family Center.

Attendees browsing through the silent auction at the Taste of the Town. Georgia Rios/The Signal

The Taste of the Town on average, raises about $150,000 for the Child and Family Center.

“You feel like you’re doing good, you’re enjoying yourself and having a fun time,” said Kristin Krabach, resident and volunteer for the event. “It’s for a really good cause that’s helping your own community. It’s the hallmark of our city”

Community members enjoy food and drinks at the Taste of the Town event in Valencia. Georgia Rios/The Signal

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