Saugus Union superintendent continues discussion series

Dr. Hawkins engages in a conversation with both parents and guardians of the school district to discuss her vision for the upcoming school year at West Creek Academy, Monday August 6th. Eddy Martinez/The SIgnal.

Parents and future students of the Saugus Union School District gathered on Monday for the latest opportunity to meet their newest leader at the second of three Coffee with the Superintendent meetings.

Teachers were also in attendance at West Creek Academy on Monday to name the programs that they’d like to start, stop and continue in the district and hear how Saugus Union’s new superintendent planned to prepare their students and the future leaders of tomorrow.

Similar to Thursday’s meeting, dual immersion, Hawkins’ experience and the district’s newest additions were hot topics of discussion for those huddled in the multipurpose room.

“My job is to take this really great district, not break it in any form and move it to the next level,” Hawkins said to the crowd. “I want to get back to the district being considered the best in the Santa Clarita Valley and allow students the best opportunities available.”

Some of these opportunities include coding, robotics and other programs that emphasize computational thinking, which is something Hawkins said is instrumental for the jobs of the future.

“All schools should have a piece of that,” she added. “Some schools will specialize even more and focus specifically on science,” while others, such as Mountainview, could be a civics-minded school that teaches debate and subjects of that nature.

As community members in attendance continued to offer up suggestions, Hawkins and West Creek Principal Susan Bett offered families a chance to tour the new science building and musical offerings on campus.

Mountainview Elementary School will host the third and final Coffee with the Superintendent meeting 9:45-10:45 a.m. Thursday, which will offer district stakeholders another chance to provide input on the district’s vision and programs they’d like to see established.

“You may not be able to solve every challenge but you can ask a lot of questions,” and by doing so, Hawkins said, “I get to learn which of those sacred cows that I better not touch.”

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