Filling SCV with song: Men of Harmony to host annual a capella show

The Santa Clarita Valley Men of Harmony sing a song. Courtesy photo.

The SCV Men of Harmony are scheduled to host their 42nd annual Harvest of Harmony a-capella show Saturday, Oct. 13 at 3 p.m., at the SCV Senior Center.

“A bit of a variety show this year,” said Keith Oberg, president of the Men of Harmony. “We will have a piano player, magic, an entire chorus and a couple real barber shop quartets.”

The annual event is a good old-fashioned ice cream social featuring multiple musical acts that are family friendly.

“We will be performing a lot of blasts from the past,” said musical director Ray Johnson. “And some new songs that are really coming along well.”

Tickets to the event are $18 for general admission and $15 for children and seniors. They include ice cream with your choice of toppings. The proceeds will go to supporting the chorus.

The Men of Harmony is a local nonprofit musical, educational and entertaining group of harmonious singers.

“We want to get our name out in the community and to get as many people involved as possible,” Oberg said. “We’d like to find people who are interested in singing with us.”

The chorus’ members current ages range from 40 to 70 years old, but they are always looking for younger members, Johnson said.

The group meets every Tuesday evening from 7:30 p.m. to 9:45 p.m at the Valley Oaks Village Apartment meeting room on Valley Street.

“You really just need to carry a tune,” Oberg said.

Johnson has been musical directing for the group for almost three years and is proud of how the group is embracing their new skills, he said. “Their musicality is really coming along great. I am really excited for this show.”

For more information on the Men of Harmony or to buy tickets online go to

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