Elks Lodge to Hold Annual Blackjack Toy Drive to Benefit Children of Veterans

File photo. The Elks Riders of Santa Clarita will hold a blackjack toy drive to benefit the children of military veterans. Elks Riders Lodge 2379

The Elks Riders of the Santa Clarita Elks Lodge No. 2379 plan to host their annual Blackjack Toy Run on Nov. 10, an event that brings together motorcycles and blackjack to benefit children of veterans.

The event will allow drivers, motorcycle riders and their passengers, who will each donate a new unwrapped toy, to ride around Santa Clarita and play blackjack games at different venues while raising money to buy presents for underprivileged children of veterans. At the end of the run, participants will be treated to a barbecue, a silent auction and live music from the band LA Kraze.

Promotional image for the Blackjack Toy Run. Elks Riders Lodge 2379

“The Elks have a long history of supporting veterans and we have held this charity fundraiser for the children of veterans for several years,” said Anthony Princiotta, founder and president of the Elks Riders. “After I founded the Elk Riders chapter in Santa Clarita, we took over the event which had some really low turnout. By going out to talk to businesses and people around the community about the event, charity and what the lodge stands for, we were able to grow the event from 20 attendees to 70, and we hope for about 100 this year. This event is really special because it lets us do something we love, which is ride, while also having a positive effect on the community.”

Last year, the Blackjack run raised $1,700 for toys and this year Princiotta hopes to raise as much as $3,000 and collect 200 toys.

The entry fee for drivers is $25 and $20 for passengers. For more information about the event call Princiotta at 805-298-2707.


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