Knight bill to improve air travel research signed into law

Congressman Steve Knight talks with constituents following a town hall at Canyon High School on Thursday, June 1, 2017. Katharine Lotze/The Signal

The Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2018, signed into law on Oct. 5, included provisions authored by Rep. Steve Knight, R-Palmdale, to establish research programs to improve American air travel.

The provisions originate from H.R. 3198, FAA Leadership in Groundbreaking High-Tech Research and Development (FLIGHT R&D) Act, which Knight introduced in July 2017.
The legislation establishes programs to improve cybersecurity for civil aircraft and air traffic control systems and traffic surveillance for air traffic over oceans and other remote regions and manage remote and digital piloting.

The bill also directed the FAA to develop to “roadmap” to predict the effects and responses to the wider use of civil unmanned aircraft systems, most commonly known as “drones.”
“It is vital that America remains at the forefront of civil aviation technology and development,” Knight said in a released statement. “The FLIGHT R&D Act will implement important programs to ensure Americans and our cargo fly safely, securely, and conveniently. This will not only improve the quality of life for all air travelers, but give the American aeronautics industry a leg up over international competition.”

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