Things you need to know before creating an eLearning course


So, you have made up your mind. You want to launch your very own eLearning course.

But are you up for what follows next?

While the idea of selling your own eLearning course might intrigue you, turns out a sea of challenges is associated with it.

Trying to help you deal with the same, here we talk about the things you need to know before developing an eLearning course.

1. Research is crucial

Before you go on to selling an eLearning course, you should know about your prospects’ needs.

To start with that, analyze your target audience.

Know their background. Motivation. Interests. Everything that might be useful while targeting.

Being aware of the target audience’s age group and gender goes without saying.

Also research about the level of skills which they already possess.

For example, if you are going to sell a course on “How to maintain a garden at home?”, you should know that a professional gardener is not going to be sold at that.

All of these points combined make target audience’s research extremely crucial.

2. Think about the type of course you are going to create

The next thing you need to know is the type of course you want to create.

Now, when we say the type of course, we mean by the category/stage of your course.

For example, if your course will be a beginner level course or if it is going to be an intermediate level course or if it is going to help working professionals sharpen their skills.

Once you have decided the type of course, then only should you move ahead. This is one of the crucial stages that will determine the effectiveness of your course.

3. Know the devices which your audience uses

This is another important step which you need to go through before you develop an eLearning course.

The devices which your audience uses can greatly affect watch times.

For example, if the majority of your users are on personal computers, chances are they’ll take time off of other things to watch your course. This can result in them not logging off of your course portal for a long span of time.

While someone who pursues your course on a mobile phone might be distracted by phone calls, text messages, other app notifications and other urgent calls to which the user might have to lock the phone.

Also, the device category (smartphone, tablet, personal computer) which your users will mostly access your content from would determine the design of your website.

If most of your users are on mobile, you will have to develop your portal to make it easily accessible on mobile. The same goes for PC if most of your users are on PC.

4. LMS makes a huge difference

For those who are wondering, LMS stands for learning management system.

What it does is help you manage your eLearning course content. How it does that?

If you’ve ever heard about or tried WordPress CMS (content management system), you would know how dramatically it has made web development easy. It’s like, you make a few clicks here and there and your website is ready.

Parallel is the purpose of an LMS. And as most of the things relating to your eLearning course will be around your LMS, it is crucial to make the right LMS software selection depending on your niche and audience.

You can browse through an LMS directory to find the best match for your needs..

On your way to developing an eLearning course, you might have to face challenges. While they might make your journey tough, keeping the above points in mind will help you through.

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