The Master’s University and Seminary President John MacArthur released a prepared statement Thursday addressing the institution’s current probation status.
Previous reports from the The Western Association of Schools and Colleges’ Senior Commission on Colleges and Universities stated the accreditation agency placed TMUS on probation after it discovered instances of ongoing issues related to campus climate, operational integrity and board independence.
Almost all of the released WASC reports in prior months have focused on The Master’s “operational integrity,” or lack thereof, since the commission feels the school offered larger financial aid amounts to students who are family members of donors or related parties, possesses a board that answers to the president and hires leaders who appear to lack higher education experience, preparation and knowledge of higher education regulatory rules, according to previous commission letters.
This why the current probation status for TMUS remains in place, “while we work to demonstrate our intention to complete all compliance issues fully,” MacArthur said in Thursday’s statement, mentioning, “The process is still ongoing…”
The president of local university and seminary added the commission has required TMUS to address “one primary issue — to demonstrate that the TMUS Board is operating independently,” which Macarthur feels can be done by maintaining an orderly transition to inaugurate a new President by May 2020.
“That is the board’s plan, which I support,” MacArthur said Thursday.
In October 2018, MacArthur said he intends to transition to chancellor of the seminary within 18 months, but the most recent commission report states, “the president mentioned that the board has extended that date and had still not taken steps to define the requirements and job description for the institution’s next president.”
The report also discusses that the board continues to take direction from MacArthur and mandates the institution conduct a national search for a new president prior to Dec. 31, 2019, according to Monday’s commission letter.
“WSCUC, in their latest report, identified no deficiencies with academics or finances. The primary issue they desire to see is the progress on the transition,” Macarthur stated Thursday, sharing the school is on schedule and will be working with the commission to provide evidence of the progress.
“I will continue to serve as president as long as the board desires,” MacArthur added, stating, “Both the University and Seminary are in a strong position for the future because the board, staff, administration and faculty are exceptional — and our students and alumni love their school.”Macarthur’s prepared statement then closes with the sentence: “The Lord is with us to bless us and to honor His Name,” and includes the president’s signature.