Commissioners who decide on annexations and mergers in Los Angeles County are looking for someone to represent the public on their panel.
The Los Angeles Local Agency Formation Commission issued a notice this week that it is looking for an alternate public member.
It is LAFCO’s job, in part, to oversee changes to local government boundaries that involve the formation and expansion of cities and special districts.
The remaining term of office expires on May 4, 2020.
Whoever is chosen for the spot serves for four years, with no restrictions against the incumbent seeking reappointment.
LAFCO is a state-mandated commission charged with providing the orderly formation and growth of cities and special districts.
It reviews and holds public hearings on proposals for boundary changes for the 88 cities and 89 special districts in Los Angeles County.
The commission was instrumental, for example, in the formation of the SCV Water Agency and became a pivotal point of discussion when the Senate bill creating the water agency was being hammered out.
The commission is also responsible for preparing and adopting reviews of the cities and
special districts, and determining and periodically updating their spheres of influence.
It’s made up of nine regular members and six alternate members, including representatives from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, the city of Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, the other 87 cities and independent special districts in Los Angeles County.
The public member position is a regular member of the commission and represents the general public.
The alternate public member serves and votes in place of the public member when the public member is absent.
The commission meets once a month in downtown Los Angeles at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple St.
Officers, employees and appointees of Los Angeles County or any city or district with
territory in the county are prohibited from serving as the alternate public member.
This restriction applies at the time of appointment, meaning that applicants whose application indicates an intent to resign or retire prior to final appointment from any prohibited office, employment or appointment may still be considered by the commission.
Prospective applicants can access the application through the LAFCO website ( or from the LAFCO office located at 80 South Lake Ave., Suite 870, Pasadena.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 5 p.m., Monday, May 6.
On Twitter @jamesarthurholt