SCV’s Jewish community prepares for Passover

March 25, 2019. Signal file photo.

Santa Clarita’s Jewish community is helping people get ready for the weeklong celebration of Passover, which starts April 19.

The SCV’s three largest synagogues, Chabad of SCV, Congregation Beth Shalom and Temple Beth Ami, are holding seders on the second night of Passover, on April 20. The ensuing meal includes eating matzah and bitter herbs, four cups of wine and a retelling of the Exodus story, according to Chabad of SCV’s website.

Temple Beth Ami will offer tickets for the seder, which can be found on the temple’s website, Chabad of SCV’s site provides a schedule of services and a variety of facts and steps about the holiday, such as Passover recipes and songs, the definition of Haggadah and where to find a nearby Seder taking place.

Passover differs from Easter, which commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

“Passover celebrates an event in Jewish history, the exodus out of Egypt, which represents the idea of freedom,” said Rabbi Choni Marozov of Chabad of SCV. “It’s not just the physical or material idea of freedom, but it also reflects the spiritual freedom.”

Following the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt, they were led by Moses. Following their arrival to Mount Sinai, Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. Since then, Passover continued to be celebrated during through the age of the Roman Empire and during the Holocaust, Marozov said.

“Many things you do in the Passover Seder are expressions of freedom,” Marozov said. “We live in a free country, but there are lots of people who are not so fortunate. We need to look out to others and advocate for people who are oppressed.”
For more information about Passover and how to prepare for the celebration, visit

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